This is almost like a continuing series. Except, I'm officially done with all of my work for this semester now. I had my final Greek final today and I did pretty well. So, I am officially done with my Greek career as a student. It's weird knowing that I'll probably never be any more knowledgeable in Greek for the rest of my life than I am on this exact day. It's weird when you know the exact time when you're peaking at something. Then tonight, hyping up on Dr. Enuff this time, I had to knock out an 11 page Christian Education project. This one was a pretty big doozy, but I just got it done. So, now it is finished, finito, teleos (Greek for complete). I'm done with this semester. I don't have any finals tomorrow, so it's possible that I could sleep till dinner tomorrow. I'm spent.
Anyways, I'll be home late Saturday night. Woo hoo! Christmas break!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
3:45 in the morning
The title of this post is the current time I am writing this. I just knocked out another 9 page paper that I started writing at 12:30. I'm totally hyped up on coffee and speed writing right now, so it may be a little while before I get to sleep. I'll have to give you a post on Shaine Claiborne coming this weekend, but that will have to wait until I'm a little more coherent.
I wrote this paper on the Nature of Reality for my Honors class. I think it ended up being pretty good. I had to talk about objective/subjective perception, the construction of reality through mechanics of the brain, the macro cosmological universe, quantum mechanics, and string theory, aka Theory of Everything. I know that all sounds pretty boring, but I got to finish the paper off by talking about how the true nature of reality will be revealed in heaven. I talked about how reality on this earth is just a shadow of the "real" reality in heaven. I used this quote from C.S. Lewis's The Last Battle in which he describes heaven metaphorically by comparing the New Narnia and the Old Narnia:
I wrote this paper on the Nature of Reality for my Honors class. I think it ended up being pretty good. I had to talk about objective/subjective perception, the construction of reality through mechanics of the brain, the macro cosmological universe, quantum mechanics, and string theory, aka Theory of Everything. I know that all sounds pretty boring, but I got to finish the paper off by talking about how the true nature of reality will be revealed in heaven. I talked about how reality on this earth is just a shadow of the "real" reality in heaven. I used this quote from C.S. Lewis's The Last Battle in which he describes heaven metaphorically by comparing the New Narnia and the Old Narnia:
"Perhaps you will get some idea of it if you think like this. You may have been in a room in which there was a window that looked out on a lovely bay of the sea or a green valley that wound away among the mountains. And in the wall of that room opposite to the glass there may have been a looking glass. And the sea in the mirror, or the valley in the mirror, were in one sense just the same as the real ones: yet at the same time they were somehow different — deeper, more wonderful, more like places in a story: in a story you have never heard but very much want to know. The difference between the old Narnia and the new Narnia was like that. The new one was a deeper country: every rock and flower and blade of grass looked like it meant more. I can't describe it any better than that: if you ever get there you will know what I mean. It was the unicorn who summed up what everyone was feeling. He stamped his right fore-hoof on the ground and neighed, and then cried: "I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here.
I love that quote and it excites me for when we will see reality for what it truly is. With that, I'm going to get some sleep so I can get up for my Adolescent Education final tomorrow. I leave you with the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:12
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
Monday, December 3, 2007
A New Commitment
I was sitting around last night contemplating whether or not I should go to the singing service at Downtown COC, while I was switching between Family Guy and A Beautiful Mind on TNT. I was pretty sure I was just going to skip it, when all of the sudden at 8:25 (the service was at 8:30), I had a sudden, urgent feeling that it was really important that I go. So I grabbed my keys and before I even realized it, I was running down the stairs and sprinting to my car. Suddenly I realized that there this wasn't just coming from me, and that maybe God had an important reason for me going to Downtown that night.
Now, I have to explain something. I am a total and complete hopeless romantic. I am one of the few guys that can stand sitting through some romantic chick flicks and I can tend to even really love them. So, in my silly little romantic mind I was thinking that maybe I was supposed to meet some girl at Downtown that night and something magical would happen and we would fall in love or something ridiculous like that. I could even imagine telling the story at our wedding, "And then I had a sudden urge to go to church that night and it was there that I met (insert imaginary name)." I know. I'm ridiculous.
But, thankfully, God had different plans for me last night.
I went to church and enjoyed the songs, and everything was great. Then the guy who was leading the communion devotional was talking about how he grew up in the church, went to college, and started working in pharmacy, making lots of money and having everything going for him. But, he talked about how there was some distance between him and God. He realized that his job was getting in the way of his relationship with God. So, the next day, he put in his two-week notice and a few months later moved to India to do mission work there. He talked about when he was working in the pharmacy, it was as if he was on one end of a table and Jesus was on the other far end. But when he moved to India, it was as if Jesus came and sat right beside him. As I was listening to this, a very real and burning thought started coming into my mind. Something was also getting in the way of my relationship with God. Something that I needed to give over to him in order that I could fully come into his presence.
As I said before, I'm a hopeless romantic. I've enjoyed being single and I've enjoyed playing the field and dating around, meeting new people, having great conversations, and having lots of fun. But there's also that romantic side of me that still desires a long-term relationship. And unfortunately, sometimes I tend to dwell on that side. There have been times that I've been frustrated and stressed out by the whole dating scene, times that I've subjected myself to ridiculously awkward dates to girls that I wasn't even all that interested in in the first place (perhaps hoping for that "magic spark" to happen), many times that I've immediately went to check my facebook as soon as I've entered the room, hoping to seen an "Inbox (1)" or wall post, times when I've let dating affect my mood, and sadly times that I've neglected my thoughts and relationship with God because my thoughts are on dating. It's all ridiculous, but this is what happens when you allow two sisters, romantic comedies, Christian dating books, and the Harding marriage factory to affect you.
I realized that this had to change and that it was getting in the way of my relationship with God. Something had to be done. So as soon as church was over I made the 20 minute drive to the cliffs at Letona so I could have some alone time to pray to God. You have to walk up this small mountain to get to the cliffs, and I had only been up it once. There was no moon, so I was going up with only the light from my cell phone leading the way, doing some semi-hard core rock climbing, and trying not to fall off and die. I tried to get up to the cliffs but I realized I had missed them and somehow ended up going down the mountain and to the other side of the lake. Oh well. So I sat by the water of the lake and had some time to talk and meditate with God. I looked in my pocket bible and turned to Psalm 86 and in it I read verses 11-13,
Now, I have to explain something. I am a total and complete hopeless romantic. I am one of the few guys that can stand sitting through some romantic chick flicks and I can tend to even really love them. So, in my silly little romantic mind I was thinking that maybe I was supposed to meet some girl at Downtown that night and something magical would happen and we would fall in love or something ridiculous like that. I could even imagine telling the story at our wedding, "And then I had a sudden urge to go to church that night and it was there that I met (insert imaginary name)." I know. I'm ridiculous.
But, thankfully, God had different plans for me last night.
I went to church and enjoyed the songs, and everything was great. Then the guy who was leading the communion devotional was talking about how he grew up in the church, went to college, and started working in pharmacy, making lots of money and having everything going for him. But, he talked about how there was some distance between him and God. He realized that his job was getting in the way of his relationship with God. So, the next day, he put in his two-week notice and a few months later moved to India to do mission work there. He talked about when he was working in the pharmacy, it was as if he was on one end of a table and Jesus was on the other far end. But when he moved to India, it was as if Jesus came and sat right beside him. As I was listening to this, a very real and burning thought started coming into my mind. Something was also getting in the way of my relationship with God. Something that I needed to give over to him in order that I could fully come into his presence.
As I said before, I'm a hopeless romantic. I've enjoyed being single and I've enjoyed playing the field and dating around, meeting new people, having great conversations, and having lots of fun. But there's also that romantic side of me that still desires a long-term relationship. And unfortunately, sometimes I tend to dwell on that side. There have been times that I've been frustrated and stressed out by the whole dating scene, times that I've subjected myself to ridiculously awkward dates to girls that I wasn't even all that interested in in the first place (perhaps hoping for that "magic spark" to happen), many times that I've immediately went to check my facebook as soon as I've entered the room, hoping to seen an "Inbox (1)" or wall post, times when I've let dating affect my mood, and sadly times that I've neglected my thoughts and relationship with God because my thoughts are on dating. It's all ridiculous, but this is what happens when you allow two sisters, romantic comedies, Christian dating books, and the Harding marriage factory to affect you.
I realized that this had to change and that it was getting in the way of my relationship with God. Something had to be done. So as soon as church was over I made the 20 minute drive to the cliffs at Letona so I could have some alone time to pray to God. You have to walk up this small mountain to get to the cliffs, and I had only been up it once. There was no moon, so I was going up with only the light from my cell phone leading the way, doing some semi-hard core rock climbing, and trying not to fall off and die. I tried to get up to the cliffs but I realized I had missed them and somehow ended up going down the mountain and to the other side of the lake. Oh well. So I sat by the water of the lake and had some time to talk and meditate with God. I looked in my pocket bible and turned to Psalm 86 and in it I read verses 11-13,
Teach me your way, O LORD,
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.
I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.
For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.
you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.
I realized it was time for me to have a truly undivided heart. So, I believe the Spirit put something on my heart and I'm ready to commit to it. Now, don't worry, I'm not going Catholic priest and making a life-long vow of celibacy. But I have decided that I'm not going to date/pursue a relationship for the rest of Junior year. I'm going to be intentionally single until at least next May and let that be a sacrifice of praise to God. I want to give this next semester fully to God with an undivided heart and let him be in control of it. All the time that I spend thinking about/pursuing relationships, I want to spend serving God and other people.
Gee Dylan, you might say (and I might have said a few weeks ago), a large number of people find their significant other at college. You only have three semesters left in college, and now you're limiting yourself to two? Yes I am. Because I believe that whatever God wants to happen in that department is going to happen. I may date someone senior year or I may actually make it out of the marriage factory single, and I'm perfectly okay with that. I'm still a romantic, and I still hope that one day I can find that special person. But I know that God has plans for my life and he's going to guide it wherever it needs to go.
Earlier this semester, I might have been really frustrated at making this commitment. But I'm actually really really excited about it. After the rich young ruler in Mark 10 refuses to sell everything he has and give it to the poor, Jesus says:
Gee Dylan, you might say (and I might have said a few weeks ago), a large number of people find their significant other at college. You only have three semesters left in college, and now you're limiting yourself to two? Yes I am. Because I believe that whatever God wants to happen in that department is going to happen. I may date someone senior year or I may actually make it out of the marriage factory single, and I'm perfectly okay with that. I'm still a romantic, and I still hope that one day I can find that special person. But I know that God has plans for my life and he's going to guide it wherever it needs to go.
Earlier this semester, I might have been really frustrated at making this commitment. But I'm actually really really excited about it. After the rich young ruler in Mark 10 refuses to sell everything he has and give it to the poor, Jesus says:
"no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life."
I know that dating/girlfriends is not on that list, but I know that there can be a lot of blessings that come from this decision. I think this next semester is going to be filled with laughter and deep friendships and community and fun and excitement. There is going to be more time to serve and to love and to reach out to the poor and needy. Hopefully, I'll have a better attitude and be filled with more energy, joy, and peace. I am so excited for what God possibly has in store for me in this next semester.
Now, I want to make clear that I am definitely not saying all this so that I can puff myself up in some way or show myself to be righteous. I am just saying this to praise God for what he is doing and also so that you guys can help keep me accountable. Okay, glad we got that out of the way.
One last story about last night. When I got done praying to God beside the lake, I started making my way back, and I went up the mountain a little bit and suddenly I was right at the cliffs that I had previously been aiming for. It was almost as if God was telling me "You've been trying to get somewhere going your own way. But if you trust in me, I'm going to bring you where you need to be." I looked up, and since there was no clouds and no moon, I saw the most beautiful night sky I had ever seen. I could see all the constellations, the milky way, and an innumerable amount of stars. I just laid down on the cliffs and softly sang Blessed Be The Name of the Lord to myself. I knew that a God who could create all that I saw before me, could surely take care of me and guide me where he wants me to be. As that beautiful song says, "You give and take away, you give and take away, my heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be your name!"
Now, I want to make clear that I am definitely not saying all this so that I can puff myself up in some way or show myself to be righteous. I am just saying this to praise God for what he is doing and also so that you guys can help keep me accountable. Okay, glad we got that out of the way.
One last story about last night. When I got done praying to God beside the lake, I started making my way back, and I went up the mountain a little bit and suddenly I was right at the cliffs that I had previously been aiming for. It was almost as if God was telling me "You've been trying to get somewhere going your own way. But if you trust in me, I'm going to bring you where you need to be." I looked up, and since there was no clouds and no moon, I saw the most beautiful night sky I had ever seen. I could see all the constellations, the milky way, and an innumerable amount of stars. I just laid down on the cliffs and softly sang Blessed Be The Name of the Lord to myself. I knew that a God who could create all that I saw before me, could surely take care of me and guide me where he wants me to be. As that beautiful song says, "You give and take away, you give and take away, my heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be your name!"
Friday, November 30, 2007
The End of the Race
I ran track in middle school and cross country in high school (as well as some Crazy 8 runs at Fun Fest), and one of the toughest parts was when I had to start kicking it into fifth gear for the last 400 meters of the race. I've learned that semesters in college can be very similar to cross country races. You start out strong with lots of energy, have to persevere in the middle, want to quit about 2/3 of the way through, get your second wind, get your third wind, and then you have to kick it in at the end.
So, here I am, with one week left of classes, followed by finals. I'm dead tired. I'm sick (I had to get excused from classes yesterday). I'm tired of doing these giant papers that all my teachers decided to have due this week (2 down, 1 to go). I'm tired of being up till 3:30 in the morning doing homework. I'm about 110% ready to go home. It's my most exhausted time, and it's the time that I have to work the hardest.
**Okay. End of my pity party.**
Actually, this has been an amazing, wonderful, fantastically incredible semester. And even this week has had some fun moments. I just have to push past this last part, and enjoy what I can for this last part of the semester.
I think there's always times we face in our lives when we're just trying to get by and get it over with. But it's important to still seek God out during those times, enjoy the little things, laugh, love, and live life to the fullest instead of just trying to get by. I'll try my best to do that over these last few weeks. We'll see how it goes.
So, here I am, with one week left of classes, followed by finals. I'm dead tired. I'm sick (I had to get excused from classes yesterday). I'm tired of doing these giant papers that all my teachers decided to have due this week (2 down, 1 to go). I'm tired of being up till 3:30 in the morning doing homework. I'm about 110% ready to go home. It's my most exhausted time, and it's the time that I have to work the hardest.
**Okay. End of my pity party.**
Actually, this has been an amazing, wonderful, fantastically incredible semester. And even this week has had some fun moments. I just have to push past this last part, and enjoy what I can for this last part of the semester.
I think there's always times we face in our lives when we're just trying to get by and get it over with. But it's important to still seek God out during those times, enjoy the little things, laugh, love, and live life to the fullest instead of just trying to get by. I'll try my best to do that over these last few weeks. We'll see how it goes.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Quick Post from Homework Alley
The past 3 weeks have been so hectic that I haven't really had the time to pop out some good posts. I was working on a bunch of projects before Thanksgiving break, then I was having way too much fun over Thanksgiving to be on the computer long, and this week I've finished one giant paper and have two to go. Plus, I'm getting sick, so that's lame. Anyways, I thought I would have some quick comments.
- Shaine Claiborne, the author of the Irresistible Revolution is coming to Searcy! For those of you who don't know, Shaine is a man who pretty much sold all he has and lives very simply in inner-city Philadelphia, ministering and being like Jesus to the impoverished in that city. He'll be speaking at Riverview High School at 7 p.m. on Saturday, December 8. Shaine's book has really affected a lot of my friends and our whole Wednesday night group is basically living off his philosophy. So, this is the equivalent of the Beatles coming to Searcy for our group.
- I'm adding two great new blogs to my "Blogs I Read" section. They are from my youth minister Kyle and my minister Craig back home. They both have a lot of cool stuff to say, so go check them out.
- I can't wait for the SEC Championship with by UT Vols taking on the LSU Tigers! I watched the Kentucky game with Wes and Matt on Saturday and it was one of the most stressful, emotional-draining games I've ever watched. But it was a sweet victory, and I'm proud of this team that has been able to do a whole lot when it looked like they weren't going to be able to do anything.
- What's wrong with my Titans? Our once rock solid defense has been struggling mightily lately, our running game has done nothing, and our red zone offense is horrendous. I figure every team has to face adversity at some point in the season, and how you respond to that decides what team you're going to be. So, we'll see in the next few weeks whether or not the Titans are contenders or pretenders.
- While we're talking about football, does anyone have the NFL Network? This is the biggest game of the year between the Packers and Cowboys and no one is going to get to watch it. It has everything you could want. Romo vs. Favre, the classic Green Bay and Dallas rivalry going back to the Ice Bowl in '67, and two 10-1 teams vying for home field advantage in the playoffs. But, it looks like I'll just have to catch highlights on Sportscenter.
- I just finished a 10 page paper on How We Come to Know, I have a big paper on Postmodernism due on Thursday, and I have a 10 page project on Christian Education due on Monday. When it rains it pours.
- We got our now annual Christmas lights at Harding turned on, and it is now so bright you can throw football or do your homework on the front lawn. Fun times!
DDG goes International
DDG Films Art has finally made it to the World Wide Web! If you want to watch the masterpiece Nerf Wars from Devin, Gill, and me, you can watch it on You Tube at the following:
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Going to Hunts-vegas!
I'm leaving Friday afternoon to Huntsville for Mayfair's fall retreat. I'm super excited to see the whole gang over there. It'll probably be the best weekend in the history of weekends. Keep us in your prayers!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Made Manifest

Today in Greek class we were translating the story of the healing of the blind man in John 9. When Jesus' disciples ask him who sinned to cause this man to be blind Jesus replied in verse 3,
"Neither this man sinned nor his parents, but in order that the works of God might be made manifest in him"-DPSV
(DPSV stands for Dylan Pyeatt Standard Version, because I translated that straight from the Greek. Yeah!.......sorry, I'm going to forget all my Greek knowledge in a few months, so I have to enjoy it while I can. Anyways, where were we? Oh yes...)
"Neither this man sinned nor his parents, but in order that the works of God might be made manifest in him"
We talked about how this statement would have been revolutionary to Jewish listeners at the time. The Jews based their belief of suffering on their misunderstanding of God's covenant with them, believing that all those who suffered were being punished for sin in their lives (you can see this belief played out in Job by the advice of the friends of Job).
What I find revolutionary is the idea that God can use suffering, and perhaps even create suffering to accomplish his mission. We discussed in class how each one of us was also created to make manifest the works of God. God uses all the baggage that we are given to create something beautiful in the great story he is writing. I do not say this to give some big explanation for why suffering is in this world, and I certainly do not think we should offer this explanation to those in the midst of some great loss. I simply say this because I love this bible story. I love how Jesus was able to change a story of sadness, loneliness, and poverty (which this blind man certainly experienced in the first century) into joy and hope. I also think this is a challenge for us. Just as God was glorified by this man, he should be glorified by us in our daily lives. People should see Christ in us despite our struggles and trials, and perhaps even because of our trials and struggles. May we all seek to have God be φανερωθη, or made manifest in the way that we speak, act and love each and every day.
What I find revolutionary is the idea that God can use suffering, and perhaps even create suffering to accomplish his mission. We discussed in class how each one of us was also created to make manifest the works of God. God uses all the baggage that we are given to create something beautiful in the great story he is writing. I do not say this to give some big explanation for why suffering is in this world, and I certainly do not think we should offer this explanation to those in the midst of some great loss. I simply say this because I love this bible story. I love how Jesus was able to change a story of sadness, loneliness, and poverty (which this blind man certainly experienced in the first century) into joy and hope. I also think this is a challenge for us. Just as God was glorified by this man, he should be glorified by us in our daily lives. People should see Christ in us despite our struggles and trials, and perhaps even because of our trials and struggles. May we all seek to have God be φανερωθη, or made manifest in the way that we speak, act and love each and every day.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Harding's Internet is Terrible....So This Post is very very late
Disclaimer: The weekend before last Mom and I went to Nashville to see the Titans/Raiders game. I wrote a post about it a few days later, and I was trying to put pictures from our trip (because the pictures were the best part of the post), but Harding's internet has been creeping and crawling the past few weeks, so I haven't been able to upload any pictures. I tried for several days to get them on and tried a variety of different methods. Finally, I made my way over to Midnight Oil, our coffee shop beside school to put the pictures on. It was still pretty slow over there, so I still didn't get to put all the pictures I wanted on. I guess I could have just made the post without pictures a long time ago......but I'm stubborn. So, here's the post I wrote last week, which seems very boring now. I know everything in this is out of date now. If you want to read it go ahead, if not, I don't blame you.
Anyways, a few weeks ago my Mom asked if I wanted her to come down for Parents Weekend at Harding. I really wanted to see her, but I told her, "Yeah, that would be great. But there's nothing really to do here in Searcy." So, we both decided we would try to meet up in Nashville and go see a Titans game at some point. Well, both of our schedules have been pretty busy, and it was looking like it would probably be till December till we could catch a good game. That all changed last Thursday.
I figured I would just scan EBAY for any future games and suddenly I saw it: 2 tickets that were due up in 15 minutes at $50 that no one had bid on yet. I kept waiting for it to go up and they never did. Finally, I called Mom to see if she wanted to make a spontaneous trip to Nashville. I made a bid with 45 seconds left and somehow got these tickets at $50.....probably the third best deal in history right next to the Babe Ruth trade and the Louisiana Purchase.

What made the weekend better was I got to see a stand up comedy show Friday night at UCA with Seth Myers (from Saturday Night Live) and Demetri Martin (from the Daily Show) with my friend Natalie. It was hilarious! Maybe it was because I was in comedy mode, but neither of them told a joke that I did not laugh at. I've pretty much decided that I would always rather see a comedian than a music concert. I would rather laugh for two hours than get pushed around in a mosh pit and not be able to understand the words of the music anyway. Seth was hilarious and I was a little surprised that he was that good at the stand up thing. Of course, Demetri was great. I've heard some of his comedy cd's, but it can't match seeing him in person.

The next morning I got in my Altima and headed for one of my favorite cities in the world.....NASHVILLE TENNESSEE!! The weather in Nashville was BEAUTIFUL (compared with the awful weather in Searcy) and it was just great to be around the city. I met up with Mom and we went to my favorite restaurant in Nashville that I used to always go to Lucy with: Ken's Japanese Restaurant. Then we went shopping and then went to the movies and saw Across the Universe, which was amazing. I'm a big Beatles fan, and the whole movie is a musical full of Beatles songs. It's probably the best movie I've seen this year. It was fun, emotional, a little trippy, and just fantastic all around. Then we swung by the hotel to catch the last few innings of Game 3 of the World Series to watch the Sox hold on to win a fairly close game and take a 3-0 lead.
The next morning we headed over to downtown Nashville, found a parking spot, and made out war to.....LP FIELD!!!! I love walking to a Titans game. You can feel the excitement in the air, everyone has on their Titans jerseys, and there's even a sense of community as we band together to cheer on our guys. It's also great making the walk over the pedestrian bridge over the Cumberland River in between downtown and the stadium. I still think it's one of the coolest spots in all of sports.

The game was fantastic. The crowd seemed a little subdued at first, but we got into it more and more as the game went along. It was close the whole time, and our defense played incredible! I can't overstate this enough.........our defensive line put pressure on Daunte Culpepper EVERY SINGLE TIME HE WENT BACK FOR A PASS! I haven't seen a Titans D-line since Jevone Kearse and Kenny Holms were rushing quarterbacks back in 2000. They made Daunte Culpepper look like......well......Daunte Culpepper. Despite a rough day from VY, our defense and running game were able to pull out a tight 13-9 win. What a game!
Of course, we missed Lucy a lot, since we always out in Nashville with her. So we said the empty seat beside us was for her.

After the game, Mom and I went to another of our Nashville favorite's SATCO. Then we said goodbye and I made a quick trip over to Lipscomb to see one of my favorite people in the whole world, my fellow intern, April Easley!!
Now, I was trying to get home as fast as I could because it was looking like the Red Sox were going to clinch the series that night. My A.M. Radio was broken, so I couldn't get the game, so I just had to rely on phone calls from my friends updating on the score. As I was going through the middle of Arkansas I lost cell phone service, so I just had to wait and try to roll through the dreaded I-64.
Finally I made it back to Harding, swung into a parking spot, and sprinted up to my room. I made it in to watch Okie close things down in the 7th. Then I watched with delight as we got some insurance runs and as Papelbon closed the door in the ninth. Then Paps threw his red-hot fastball got the strikeout for the third out, made his insane-asylum crazy victory face as Varitek and the rest of the Red Sox piled onto the pitching mound. The 2007 Red Sox.....WORLD CHAMPIONS!! I called and left a message with Laura in Brazil to celebrate and sat there in delighted exhaustion watching the team celebrate. I didn't run around the dorm this time. I was just too tired from the weekend. But this was even better, I just got to enjoy it with a huge grin on my face and relax in my joy.
Wow! So, pretty much this week I've been recovering from the exhausting weekend and still enjoying all the good times I had. Times like these are really special, and it doesn't get much better than weekends like this. I just thank God for everything and everyone I got to enjoy it with, especially Mom. Phew....can this semester get any better?
Anyways, a few weeks ago my Mom asked if I wanted her to come down for Parents Weekend at Harding. I really wanted to see her, but I told her, "Yeah, that would be great. But there's nothing really to do here in Searcy." So, we both decided we would try to meet up in Nashville and go see a Titans game at some point. Well, both of our schedules have been pretty busy, and it was looking like it would probably be till December till we could catch a good game. That all changed last Thursday.
I figured I would just scan EBAY for any future games and suddenly I saw it: 2 tickets that were due up in 15 minutes at $50 that no one had bid on yet. I kept waiting for it to go up and they never did. Finally, I called Mom to see if she wanted to make a spontaneous trip to Nashville. I made a bid with 45 seconds left and somehow got these tickets at $50.....probably the third best deal in history right next to the Babe Ruth trade and the Louisiana Purchase.

What made the weekend better was I got to see a stand up comedy show Friday night at UCA with Seth Myers (from Saturday Night Live) and Demetri Martin (from the Daily Show) with my friend Natalie. It was hilarious! Maybe it was because I was in comedy mode, but neither of them told a joke that I did not laugh at. I've pretty much decided that I would always rather see a comedian than a music concert. I would rather laugh for two hours than get pushed around in a mosh pit and not be able to understand the words of the music anyway. Seth was hilarious and I was a little surprised that he was that good at the stand up thing. Of course, Demetri was great. I've heard some of his comedy cd's, but it can't match seeing him in person.
The next morning I got in my Altima and headed for one of my favorite cities in the world.....NASHVILLE TENNESSEE!! The weather in Nashville was BEAUTIFUL (compared with the awful weather in Searcy) and it was just great to be around the city. I met up with Mom and we went to my favorite restaurant in Nashville that I used to always go to Lucy with: Ken's Japanese Restaurant. Then we went shopping and then went to the movies and saw Across the Universe, which was amazing. I'm a big Beatles fan, and the whole movie is a musical full of Beatles songs. It's probably the best movie I've seen this year. It was fun, emotional, a little trippy, and just fantastic all around. Then we swung by the hotel to catch the last few innings of Game 3 of the World Series to watch the Sox hold on to win a fairly close game and take a 3-0 lead.
The next morning we headed over to downtown Nashville, found a parking spot, and made out war to.....LP FIELD!!!! I love walking to a Titans game. You can feel the excitement in the air, everyone has on their Titans jerseys, and there's even a sense of community as we band together to cheer on our guys. It's also great making the walk over the pedestrian bridge over the Cumberland River in between downtown and the stadium. I still think it's one of the coolest spots in all of sports.
The game was fantastic. The crowd seemed a little subdued at first, but we got into it more and more as the game went along. It was close the whole time, and our defense played incredible! I can't overstate this enough.........our defensive line put pressure on Daunte Culpepper EVERY SINGLE TIME HE WENT BACK FOR A PASS! I haven't seen a Titans D-line since Jevone Kearse and Kenny Holms were rushing quarterbacks back in 2000. They made Daunte Culpepper look like......well......Daunte Culpepper. Despite a rough day from VY, our defense and running game were able to pull out a tight 13-9 win. What a game!
Of course, we missed Lucy a lot, since we always out in Nashville with her. So we said the empty seat beside us was for her.
After the game, Mom and I went to another of our Nashville favorite's SATCO. Then we said goodbye and I made a quick trip over to Lipscomb to see one of my favorite people in the whole world, my fellow intern, April Easley!!
Now, I was trying to get home as fast as I could because it was looking like the Red Sox were going to clinch the series that night. My A.M. Radio was broken, so I couldn't get the game, so I just had to rely on phone calls from my friends updating on the score. As I was going through the middle of Arkansas I lost cell phone service, so I just had to wait and try to roll through the dreaded I-64.

Wow! So, pretty much this week I've been recovering from the exhausting weekend and still enjoying all the good times I had. Times like these are really special, and it doesn't get much better than weekends like this. I just thank God for everything and everyone I got to enjoy it with, especially Mom. Phew....can this semester get any better?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Redeeming THIS World
Lately I've been coming into another perspective of why Jesus came into this world and in turn what our missio
n is. I've always subconsciously believed his main intent was just to get us to heaven. Lately however, from what I've been reading in N.T. Wright's Simply Christian and Lee Camp's Mere Discipleship, this was not the main focus of Christ's ministry. They emphasize that Jesus came not just for a kingdom in the far off heavens at a distant time, but to establish his kingdom in this world for the here and now.
Lee Camp says that we make Christian religion "something ultimately unrelated to this world, to time, or history, or human culture, and instead make it about the "other world." We wait for the "sweet by and by" when we will diet on love and mercy and goodness and God and heaven, but in the meanwhile, "down below" we wait out our time, where we have to put up with the violence and hatred and injustice and unkindness and hunger and poverty, fighting fire with fire."
In response to this worldview Camp says:
This idea kind of floored me a little bit. I've always been for trying to help out this world, but it's tough to have much hope in it when you know it's all going down in flames one day anyway. It's like trying to build a giant sand castle when you know the waves are just going to wash it away anyway. I've looked at ministry as an attempt to see how many people we could get off this rock and into the world we've always dreamed of. But it seems that Christ calls us to at least attempt to make THIS rock the world we've always dreamed of. As we look at the Bible, God clearly does care about this world. We sing songs that say, "This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through" and while that may be true, we are still called to be God's instruments to redeem this fallen world while we are "a passin' through." We are called to "make all things new" spiritually, socially, vocationally, and even ecologically. The kingdom of God has come here in this place.
So what is this kingdom? N.T. Wright puts it this way:

Lee Camp says that we make Christian religion "something ultimately unrelated to this world, to time, or history, or human culture, and instead make it about the "other world." We wait for the "sweet by and by" when we will diet on love and mercy and goodness and God and heaven, but in the meanwhile, "down below" we wait out our time, where we have to put up with the violence and hatred and injustice and unkindness and hunger and poverty, fighting fire with fire."
In response to this worldview Camp says:
"Jesus called his disciples to participate in a kingdom that was invading human history, a kingdom so present you could reach out and touch it, a new order in their very midst [....] And it is also "this worldly" in the sense that we now see in Jesus, what it means to live life fully according to God's will, in the midst of the concerns, hurts, and pains of human history. The kingdom is not unrelated to human history, but is the new reality that redefines human history." (57-58)
This idea kind of floored me a little bit. I've always been for trying to help out this world, but it's tough to have much hope in it when you know it's all going down in flames one day anyway. It's like trying to build a giant sand castle when you know the waves are just going to wash it away anyway. I've looked at ministry as an attempt to see how many people we could get off this rock and into the world we've always dreamed of. But it seems that Christ calls us to at least attempt to make THIS rock the world we've always dreamed of. As we look at the Bible, God clearly does care about this world. We sing songs that say, "This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through" and while that may be true, we are still called to be God's instruments to redeem this fallen world while we are "a passin' through." We are called to "make all things new" spiritually, socially, vocationally, and even ecologically. The kingdom of God has come here in this place.
So what is this kingdom? N.T. Wright puts it this way:
"With Jesus, God's rescue operation has been put into effect once and for all. A great door has swung open in the cosmos which can never again be shut. [...] We are offered freedom: freedom to experience God's rescue for ourselves, to go through the open door and explore the new world to which we now have access. In particular, we are all invited, summoned actually, to discover, through following Jesus, that this new world is indeed a place of justice, spirituality, relationship, and beauty, and that we are not only called to enjoy it as such but to work at bringing it to birth on earth as in heaven." (92)
Now I must admit to you while all this seems great at first thought, I struggle with it the more I think about it. If we are indeed called to redeem this world, why are we so terrible at it? Instead of acting as the driving force for good in this world, why are we so often the source of unfathomable evil? When you look back at the history of the Church, we see the Crusades, the Inquistion, and looking the other way at the Holocaust. Even in our own country we see the church as a force for the Salem Witch Trials, justification for slavery and racism, and blatant hatred today toward people we see as "sinners." Why do so many unbelievers see us as a plague upon the earth when they should be seeing us as the salt and the light of the world? Sometimes I wonder if the world would really be off any worse without us. It's been said that more people have been killed in the name of Christ than any other name in history.
This is a very tough struggle, and one that is not easy to answer. Eventually, I just come to the conclusion that this is a fallen world and we ourselves are a fallen people. But we cannot just sit on that conclusion and be content in our despair. We must try with all of our might to change this world and to be ministers of reconciliation. We must right the wrongs, bring light to the darkness, fight hatred with love, war with peace, and despair with joy.
I know that one day this fallen world will indeed pass away and our ultimate dreams for this world are unattainable in actuality. I know that God's ultimate plans are for "a new heaven and a new earth." But God does not call us up into heaven as soon as we come out of the water. For the short time we are on the earth he calls us into the mission of bringing redemption to this world. In that light, there are very real goals that we can accomplish. We can bring hope to oppressed, food to the hungry, clothes to the naked, joy to sorrowful, and peace to those in anguish. We can live as a true community of believers, an army of love spreading out to the horizon.
May we truly become the people of God and may we work to help establish here in this place a kingdom without borders or limitations that will stretch on from here to eternity.
This is a very tough struggle, and one that is not easy to answer. Eventually, I just come to the conclusion that this is a fallen world and we ourselves are a fallen people. But we cannot just sit on that conclusion and be content in our despair. We must try with all of our might to change this world and to be ministers of reconciliation. We must right the wrongs, bring light to the darkness, fight hatred with love, war with peace, and despair with joy.
I know that one day this fallen world will indeed pass away and our ultimate dreams for this world are unattainable in actuality. I know that God's ultimate plans are for "a new heaven and a new earth." But God does not call us up into heaven as soon as we come out of the water. For the short time we are on the earth he calls us into the mission of bringing redemption to this world. In that light, there are very real goals that we can accomplish. We can bring hope to oppressed, food to the hungry, clothes to the naked, joy to sorrowful, and peace to those in anguish. We can live as a true community of believers, an army of love spreading out to the horizon.
May we truly become the people of God and may we work to help establish here in this place a kingdom without borders or limitations that will stretch on from here to eternity.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Quick Hits
Just some quick observations from this week:
- It's Pledge Week here at Harding! Get your screaming voice and crazy clothes ready! I've actually gone to two All-Club Devos this week to hear Jimmy and Coleman (both of whom did awesome), and I have to say that I was fairly blown away by the craziness. These clubs really take the roll call seriously (you can tell when the pledges sound almost too hoarse to even belt it out, because they've been yelling so much before). I was a little worried that Ju Go Ju and Xeta Rho we're going to throw down tonight when both clubs we're yelling their chants at each other before the devo started. Mmmm....feel the Christian love!
- It's been bitter cold here in Searcy. It's officially entered "don't go outside for anything" status. It's pretty much the perfect storm of coldness for me: Cold temp, windy, stinging icy rain, and the fact that I haven't busted out my winter clothes yet, so I just put on a hoody over my t-shirt. I asked Tom, a British guy in my Human Situations class, if this felt like England and he said, "Yeah, pretty much exact." Welcome to Liverpool, Arkansas everyone!
- Less than 24 hours from the 1st pitch of the World Series!
- Jail Ministry went well tonight. I talked about Joseph's statement to his brothers about what they meant for evil, God used for good. These guys are such a blessing to me. The only problem was at some point last week one of my favorite guys got moved to a different pod because he called another guy a not nice name and the guy almost beat him up. The lesson as always: watch what you say in jail.
- I'm listening to Ben Folds right now over the shared ITunes network, and it always reminds me of when some of us in our youth group made a trip to Harding when I was in 7th grade and listened to "Brick" like 872 times. That was a fun trip. I remember hating Harding at the time and especially the dorm we stayed in. 6 years later I moved into Harbin dorm as a freshman and loved every second. Good times. She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly.
- I was talking to Jimmy yesterday about how cool it would be if they introduced preachers the same way they introduced the Chicago Bulls in the 90's. Can't you imagine?
(Crowd cheering and strobe lights going with the Alan Parson's Project song Sirius playing)
And now, at Youth Minister, from Harding University, delivering a sermon on Romans Chapter 8, number 4.......DYLAN PYEATT!!!!!
(Crowd goes wild)
And now, at Youth Minister, from Harding University, delivering a sermon on Romans Chapter 8, number 4.......DYLAN PYEATT!!!!!
(Crowd goes wild)
Anyways, that's just some random ramblings for the night. I'll have something more substantial later.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Best Weekend Ever???
So, this was a FANTASTIC weekend. The best way to describe it is probably a quick play-by-play.
2:50-Class is over!!
4:59-Send in an assignment for Christian Education just before the 5:00 deadline. Phew!
5:30-Really fun dinner including a game of hot potato with a pepper shaker in which Coleman slapped the shaker across our table, nailing someone's Dr. Pepper at the table beside us.
9:00-Corn Maze!!!! Is there anything more fun than being a laboratory rat surrounded by corn. Classic moments included the moment when everyone finally had the courage to say what was on their mind: that this reminded us of Harry Potter 4 (there's a dementor around the corner!) and our pun off about the corn maze including:
"This corn maze is a-MAZE-ing"
"You guys are so CORN-y"
"You're not the captain of this corn maze, but you sure are the KERNAL"
"We need to HUSK-LE"
"We're being STALK-ed"

10:30-Trip to the bluff! Woo hoo! We had lots of good bluff questions and lots of laughs including Sam saying,
"Your music is lame. I like Ludacris and Sean Paul"
1:30 a.m.-Halo 3. Highlight included betraying everyone over and over again in Zombies
12:00 p.m.-1st half of UT-Alabama game. Not the best moment of the weekend. Let's just move on.
1:00-Went over to Jimmy's house and had a real good talk.

3:00-Went to Latona with Coleman and Tiffany to see the cliffs and a sweet cave! It's always great to get out and see nature. Lots of fun!
6:45-Depart for Gurden with 12 people to see the haunted railroad tracks. The 2 hour car ride over there is a lot of fun with all the singing games we played. Good times!
9:00-Railroad tracks end up being pretty lame. Too many are people in our group. People are in front of us so that we can't see the headless ghost's lantern. Not the best visit ever, but the car trips are fun.
10:00-Without me getting to see it, the Red Sox cruise to a big win to tie the ALCS 3-3. That was a good thing to find out when I got back into the dorm.
11:00 a.m.-Good times at West Pleasure COC. Great people, great singing, entertaining preaching. It's always fun to go to a church that is different from what you've always grown up with.
1:00-Fun times at Jimmy's house
2:00-Good conversation with Laura. That's all I can say right now.
3:00-Played football with Jimmy and Coleman on Woodruff Street hoping some kids would come. None came, but we had fun anyways. We know if we keep coming out regularly then we'll start to get a good turn out. If you play, they will come.
3:15-Without me knowing it at the time, the Titans hang on for a miracle win behind Rob Bironas' (Ma-Ma-Ma-My Bironas) 8 field goals to go to 4-2 for the season.
4:00-6:30-Fun Cowboys game as da Boys win a sloppy game 24-14. Not our best game, but we move to 6-1 for the season.
6:45-Quick phone call to Mom before the Red Sox game starts.
7:00-Here we go! Game 7 of the ALCS! Can Dice-K get it done? Can we keep our bats rolling? Can we complete a comeback from a 3-1 deficit? Will this game give me an a heart attack? Playoff baseball.......there's nothing better!
7:25-former Red Sox and 2004 "keep the dugout loose MVP" Kevin Millar announces our lineup. I'm feeling much better now.
8:30-After 3 innings the Red Sox lead 3-0, but we've left a lot of guys on base. I'm hoping this won't come back to haunt us. Dice-K is looking solid. Can he keep it up?
9:15-5th inning, score is 3-2. Dice-K is struggling. Men on first and third. Jacob comes in and tries to talk to me, but I am deathly silent. Dice-K strikes out Asdrubal Cabrera for the third out. Celebration! Exhale. Exhale again.
10:05-After Lugo makes an error on a fly ball he should have gotten, Guitierrez singles to put men on first and third with one out. Luckily, Kenny Lofton gets held up at third. Still, fears of 2003 ALCS game 7 come back. I can't breathe. You couldn't cut the tension in the room with a chain-saw. I might not survive this game.
10:06-Okie gets Casey Blake to ground out for a 5-4-3 double play. I'm jumping around and screaming at the top of my lungs. We might just pull this out. Then I walk around just giggling like someone in an insane asylum. The up and down emotions have officially driven me crazy. Good thing I'm alone in my room or someone would be calling the counseling center. You gotta love October!
10:25-Dustin Pedroia hits a 2-run home run! Red Sox leads 5-2!!!! Pandemonium breaks out in Keller 300!! I'm shouting, yelling, screaming oddly high-pitched noises. Dustin Pedroia was already one of my favorite players (short, skinny, quick, fun guy, initials of D.P........remind you of anyone?) and now I love him even more!
10:45-Papelbon comes into the 8th with two men on and pitches brilliantly. Jacoby Ellsbury makes a great play in center to get the third out! 3 outs away baby!!
11:07-The Red Sox have just blown the doors wide open!! D.P. hits a bases loaded double, Youk bangs a 2 run- homer, and suddenly the Red Sox are up 11-2. I've lost my voice at this point. I'm starting to wonder if it will still be snowing in Colorado next week.
11:22-Every out that Paps gets I jump out of my seat and start jumping up and down like a 6-year-old. You have to love sports just because they give you an excuse to act like a complete idiot.
11:23-Fly ball to deep center field, Coco Crisp running it down, and makes an amazing catch....and THE RED SOX ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!! I jump up and down some more as I watch the Sox celebrate around the pitching mound! Rene watches me like I'm going to a mental institution.
11:37-After watching the trophy presentation and champagne celebration, I run through all 3 floors and the lobby of Keller holding up my Red Sox hat and shouting WE'RE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!!! Did I mention how sports gives you an excuse to act like an idiot?
11:44-I walk around the front lawn just looking for someone to celebrate with. Nobody is out tonight, so I just walk around with a stupid grin on my face and skip a little bit. I think a couple that was making out on a swing snickers at me, but what do I care? Did I mention that we're going to the World Series?
11:59-While walking around I thank God for blessing me with such an amazing weekend. What an incredible 3-day span! It's been tough to be able to keep from smiling all weekend. Wow!
12:00-Finish my lap around campus and remember to move my car so that I don't get a parking ticket. Woo ho! No parking ticket!
12:02-Text Mom: "We're going to the World Series!"
2:50-Class is over!!
4:59-Send in an assignment for Christian Education just before the 5:00 deadline. Phew!
5:30-Really fun dinner including a game of hot potato with a pepper shaker in which Coleman slapped the shaker across our table, nailing someone's Dr. Pepper at the table beside us.

"This corn maze is a-MAZE-ing"
"You guys are so CORN-y"
"You're not the captain of this corn maze, but you sure are the KERNAL"
"We need to HUSK-LE"
"We're being STALK-ed"

10:30-Trip to the bluff! Woo hoo! We had lots of good bluff questions and lots of laughs including Sam saying,
"Your music is lame. I like Ludacris and Sean Paul"
1:30 a.m.-Halo 3. Highlight included betraying everyone over and over again in Zombies
12:00 p.m.-1st half of UT-Alabama game. Not the best moment of the weekend. Let's just move on.
1:00-Went over to Jimmy's house and had a real good talk.

3:00-Went to Latona with Coleman and Tiffany to see the cliffs and a sweet cave! It's always great to get out and see nature. Lots of fun!
6:45-Depart for Gurden with 12 people to see the haunted railroad tracks. The 2 hour car ride over there is a lot of fun with all the singing games we played. Good times!
9:00-Railroad tracks end up being pretty lame. Too many are people in our group. People are in front of us so that we can't see the headless ghost's lantern. Not the best visit ever, but the car trips are fun.
10:00-Without me getting to see it, the Red Sox cruise to a big win to tie the ALCS 3-3. That was a good thing to find out when I got back into the dorm.
11:00 a.m.-Good times at West Pleasure COC. Great people, great singing, entertaining preaching. It's always fun to go to a church that is different from what you've always grown up with.
1:00-Fun times at Jimmy's house
2:00-Good conversation with Laura. That's all I can say right now.
3:00-Played football with Jimmy and Coleman on Woodruff Street hoping some kids would come. None came, but we had fun anyways. We know if we keep coming out regularly then we'll start to get a good turn out. If you play, they will come.
3:15-Without me knowing it at the time, the Titans hang on for a miracle win behind Rob Bironas' (Ma-Ma-Ma-My Bironas) 8 field goals to go to 4-2 for the season.
4:00-6:30-Fun Cowboys game as da Boys win a sloppy game 24-14. Not our best game, but we move to 6-1 for the season.
6:45-Quick phone call to Mom before the Red Sox game starts.
7:00-Here we go! Game 7 of the ALCS! Can Dice-K get it done? Can we keep our bats rolling? Can we complete a comeback from a 3-1 deficit? Will this game give me an a heart attack? Playoff baseball.......there's nothing better!
7:25-former Red Sox and 2004 "keep the dugout loose MVP" Kevin Millar announces our lineup. I'm feeling much better now.
8:30-After 3 innings the Red Sox lead 3-0, but we've left a lot of guys on base. I'm hoping this won't come back to haunt us. Dice-K is looking solid. Can he keep it up?
9:15-5th inning, score is 3-2. Dice-K is struggling. Men on first and third. Jacob comes in and tries to talk to me, but I am deathly silent. Dice-K strikes out Asdrubal Cabrera for the third out. Celebration! Exhale. Exhale again.
10:05-After Lugo makes an error on a fly ball he should have gotten, Guitierrez singles to put men on first and third with one out. Luckily, Kenny Lofton gets held up at third. Still, fears of 2003 ALCS game 7 come back. I can't breathe. You couldn't cut the tension in the room with a chain-saw. I might not survive this game.
10:06-Okie gets Casey Blake to ground out for a 5-4-3 double play. I'm jumping around and screaming at the top of my lungs. We might just pull this out. Then I walk around just giggling like someone in an insane asylum. The up and down emotions have officially driven me crazy. Good thing I'm alone in my room or someone would be calling the counseling center. You gotta love October!
10:25-Dustin Pedroia hits a 2-run home run! Red Sox leads 5-2!!!! Pandemonium breaks out in Keller 300!! I'm shouting, yelling, screaming oddly high-pitched noises. Dustin Pedroia was already one of my favorite players (short, skinny, quick, fun guy, initials of D.P........remind you of anyone?) and now I love him even more!
10:45-Papelbon comes into the 8th with two men on and pitches brilliantly. Jacoby Ellsbury makes a great play in center to get the third out! 3 outs away baby!!
11:07-The Red Sox have just blown the doors wide open!! D.P. hits a bases loaded double, Youk bangs a 2 run- homer, and suddenly the Red Sox are up 11-2. I've lost my voice at this point. I'm starting to wonder if it will still be snowing in Colorado next week.
11:22-Every out that Paps gets I jump out of my seat and start jumping up and down like a 6-year-old. You have to love sports just because they give you an excuse to act like a complete idiot.

11:37-After watching the trophy presentation and champagne celebration, I run through all 3 floors and the lobby of Keller holding up my Red Sox hat and shouting WE'RE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!!! Did I mention how sports gives you an excuse to act like an idiot?
11:44-I walk around the front lawn just looking for someone to celebrate with. Nobody is out tonight, so I just walk around with a stupid grin on my face and skip a little bit. I think a couple that was making out on a swing snickers at me, but what do I care? Did I mention that we're going to the World Series?
11:59-While walking around I thank God for blessing me with such an amazing weekend. What an incredible 3-day span! It's been tough to be able to keep from smiling all weekend. Wow!
12:00-Finish my lap around campus and remember to move my car so that I don't get a parking ticket. Woo ho! No parking ticket!
12:02-Text Mom: "We're going to the World Series!"
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Back To Boston!
After a fantastic pitching performance from Josh Beckett (8 IP, 1 ER, 11K) and some solid hitting, the Red Sox staved off elimination with a 7-1 vicotry to get the series to 3-2 and take it back to Boston. If the Sox can keep the momentum from this win going into Boston they will be tough to beat.
On the mound for the Red Sox on Saturday is Curt Schilling, one of the best big game pitchers ever. The Indians will pitch Carmona, one of the best young pitchers in baseball. Both pitchers were beat up in game two, and it will be interested to see if they can bounce back for this pivotal match-up. I feel confident in Schilling for game 6, but I gotta say that I'm worried about Dice-K pitching in a potential game 7, if we make it. But for now, none of that matters. Right now, I'm just going to enjoy this win.

Sunday, October 14, 2007
There's Something Happening Here.....
It's tough to really explain how fantastic the past few weeks have been. Each day has really been better than the next. The best way to describe it is a quick sports analogy......but don't lose interest. I'll go through it quick so that I can really explain what I'm really trying to say.
I've been re-reading Bill Simmons' Red Sox book and I love his description of Pedro Martinez's run of utter domination from April 1999-May 2001. He talks about how every one of Pedro's starts was an event, and how people would drop everything to watch
his games because they didn't want to miss something special. Each start seemed to be better than the one before it and just when you thought Pedro couldn't be anymore dominant, he would take it to an even greater level. He talked about how Pedro could bring the fans at Fenway to a higher place and how they would stand in awe of this master artist, who pitched better than any pitcher has ever pitched during a two year span. You knew you were in the presence of greatness watching Pedro and you just wanted to take everything in and appreciate it to the fullest extent, because what was happening was something that might not ever happen again.
That's really been the best way to describe the past two weeks. Just when I think things can't get any better, they somehow do. God has blessed me with so much. I've had great friendships, great conversations, great times, great laughs, great growth experiences, great fun, and just pure, wonderful joy. I just want to soak in every second.
I sometimes hate it when kids my age or younger try to offer life lessons or advice to older people that make it sound like what we know what's really going on in the world (my all-time least favorite was Avril Lavigne's song "Complicated" that started off with the repeating line of "Life's like this....." Oh please Avril, grace us by imparting your divine wisdom O great sage..................stupid emo chick). However, please indulge me as I make this observation in all humility:
At least in my life, great moments sometimes seem to happen in these short beautiful moments, and before you realize it, they've passed you by. Those moments when everything is right with the world, when God seems to have come down into this place and touched you with a little glimpse of heaven. Those days when you just can't contain your joy and you just smile all day. Those days when even things that would usually drive you crazy (say for the top of my head......the Red Sox, Titans, and Cowboys losing all within 24 hours of each other) don't make the slightest impact into your mood. These moments are special, and I think it's important to soak them in, enjoy them for all their worth, and praise God for every second. Smile, laugh, and open your eyes to the beauty that's all around you.
Of course, I know that it is important to look at God's blessings and be thankful even when times are tough. That is definitely true. But I also think it's important that when times are really really good, that you take some time to really let it soak in. I think David says it best in these words of praise in Psalm 37:4-9
I've been re-reading Bill Simmons' Red Sox book and I love his description of Pedro Martinez's run of utter domination from April 1999-May 2001. He talks about how every one of Pedro's starts was an event, and how people would drop everything to watch

That's really been the best way to describe the past two weeks. Just when I think things can't get any better, they somehow do. God has blessed me with so much. I've had great friendships, great conversations, great times, great laughs, great growth experiences, great fun, and just pure, wonderful joy. I just want to soak in every second.
I sometimes hate it when kids my age or younger try to offer life lessons or advice to older people that make it sound like what we know what's really going on in the world (my all-time least favorite was Avril Lavigne's song "Complicated" that started off with the repeating line of "Life's like this....." Oh please Avril, grace us by imparting your divine wisdom O great sage..................stupid emo chick). However, please indulge me as I make this observation in all humility:
At least in my life, great moments sometimes seem to happen in these short beautiful moments, and before you realize it, they've passed you by. Those moments when everything is right with the world, when God seems to have come down into this place and touched you with a little glimpse of heaven. Those days when you just can't contain your joy and you just smile all day. Those days when even things that would usually drive you crazy (say for the top of my head......the Red Sox, Titans, and Cowboys losing all within 24 hours of each other) don't make the slightest impact into your mood. These moments are special, and I think it's important to soak them in, enjoy them for all their worth, and praise God for every second. Smile, laugh, and open your eyes to the beauty that's all around you.
Of course, I know that it is important to look at God's blessings and be thankful even when times are tough. That is definitely true. But I also think it's important that when times are really really good, that you take some time to really let it soak in. I think David says it best in these words of praise in Psalm 37:4-9
I sought the LORD, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor man called, and the LORD heard him;
he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.
Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.
Fear the LORD, you his saints,
for those who fear him lack nothing.
Times like these are really wonderful and I thank God for each and every moment. Plus, they make me dream of a time when moments like this will go on for all eternity, and that gives me even more joy. May we all look at our blessings and truly "Taste and see that the Lord is good."
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Mid-Semester Review
So now that midterms will be done after tomorrow (once my dreaded Greek III final is done), the first half of this semester will officially be over. Sometimes it feels like I just got here and other times it feels like it's been years since I pulled up in my Altima and met the guys in Keller. Anyway, I figured it would be a good time to look back on what's happened.
Eight weeks ago I can honestly tell you that I wasn't crazy excited about coming back to Harding. I was coming off of one of the best summers of my life after a fantastic internship in Huntsville and a 3 week tour of fun in Kingsport. I was sure it would be a good semester and I'd have some fun, but there wasn't much waiting for me in Searcy. Little did I know then that in the next eight weeks a 38-year-old burnout preacher, a felon awaiting trial, a book by an ethics professor from Lipscomb, and some soccer with some kids in the "shady" part of town would turn my life completely upside-down.

Coleman had told me about meeting Jimmy over the summer and all the ministry plans they had. For those that don't know, Jimmy is a former preacher, who moved to Searcy a few years ago and is perhaps the most idealistic man I have ever met when it comes to spreading the love of Christ. I know that I'm not going to learn anything in any of my classes this semester that will come near to what I'm going to learn from Jimmy. It's really nice to have a good friendship with a real adult here (something that I never managed to get in my first two years in Searcy). I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen with Jimmy and Coleman's plans, and neither did they, but I knew I wanted to be a part of it. By the second week of school, a group of us had our first meeting talking about how we could get involved with the disenfranchised of Searcy. The next week, we had our first Wednesday Night "Bible Study" with the slogan of "No More Phase One!" (Phase one is the act of sitting around and TALKING about how important serving and being missional is, but without actually doing anything). The next week, we had already planned out how we were going to get involved in a neighborhood on Woodruff Street (if there's a "bad part of town" in Searcy, most residents would point to Woodruff Street). The next week we were playing soccer and football with the kids in the neighborhood and starting to build relationships, and we've been doing that every week since. Now we're planning on adding more time in the neighborhood and service projects on Sunday, and our plans are only going to get more and more exciting from this point on.
Another exciting aspect has been the opportunity to get involved in Jail Ministry again. Coleman and I got to start our "Batman and Robin of Jail Ministry" routine again. By our third week, we had a completely new batch of guys, who are by far the best group I have ever had in jail. These guys come excited every week, come up with harmonies for our old-school "I'll Fly Away" songs, get totally involved in our lessons, and will spend hours just talking to us afterwards about their lives and spiritual journeys. Their stories break your heart and then lift you up again. I couldn't have asked for a better experience.
Meanwhile, I have been going through a pretty significant worldview shift over the past few weeks. I've been having many long conversations with Jimmy, Coleman, Colby, Jon, Jesse, and many others about taking our faith in a more radical direction. The book we've been reading Mere Discipleship by Lee Camp and the conversations and ideas sprouting from that has added gasoline to this fire. Now, my dreams of comfortable suburbia have been replaced by dreams of communal living (possibly sooner than later) and minimalism. Mr priorities of girls, sports, sleep, X-BOX and my desires for my comfort are being pushed back. New ideas are continually coming and will probably continue to grow exponentially.
In past semesters, I would have mentioned a lot of other things first in a mid-semester review. I guess they don't seem as important. Classes are good, boring but good. My friends are good. I'm making new friends, and my older friendships with some are strengthening while some have lessened, but it's all good. All in all, things are going great! Exciting things are happening and exciting things are on the way. God has really blessed me this semester more than I could possibly imagine. It's only halftime, and hopefully this semester can be like the Cowboys and be really strong in the second half (I think the Cowboys have outscored their opponents by something like 989-3 in second halves this season). I'm excited by what God has in store. Let's go!
Eight weeks ago I can honestly tell you that I wasn't crazy excited about coming back to Harding. I was coming off of one of the best summers of my life after a fantastic internship in Huntsville and a 3 week tour of fun in Kingsport. I was sure it would be a good semester and I'd have some fun, but there wasn't much waiting for me in Searcy. Little did I know then that in the next eight weeks a 38-year-old burnout preacher, a felon awaiting trial, a book by an ethics professor from Lipscomb, and some soccer with some kids in the "shady" part of town would turn my life completely upside-down.

Coleman had told me about meeting Jimmy over the summer and all the ministry plans they had. For those that don't know, Jimmy is a former preacher, who moved to Searcy a few years ago and is perhaps the most idealistic man I have ever met when it comes to spreading the love of Christ. I know that I'm not going to learn anything in any of my classes this semester that will come near to what I'm going to learn from Jimmy. It's really nice to have a good friendship with a real adult here (something that I never managed to get in my first two years in Searcy). I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen with Jimmy and Coleman's plans, and neither did they, but I knew I wanted to be a part of it. By the second week of school, a group of us had our first meeting talking about how we could get involved with the disenfranchised of Searcy. The next week, we had our first Wednesday Night "Bible Study" with the slogan of "No More Phase One!" (Phase one is the act of sitting around and TALKING about how important serving and being missional is, but without actually doing anything). The next week, we had already planned out how we were going to get involved in a neighborhood on Woodruff Street (if there's a "bad part of town" in Searcy, most residents would point to Woodruff Street). The next week we were playing soccer and football with the kids in the neighborhood and starting to build relationships, and we've been doing that every week since. Now we're planning on adding more time in the neighborhood and service projects on Sunday, and our plans are only going to get more and more exciting from this point on.
Another exciting aspect has been the opportunity to get involved in Jail Ministry again. Coleman and I got to start our "Batman and Robin of Jail Ministry" routine again. By our third week, we had a completely new batch of guys, who are by far the best group I have ever had in jail. These guys come excited every week, come up with harmonies for our old-school "I'll Fly Away" songs, get totally involved in our lessons, and will spend hours just talking to us afterwards about their lives and spiritual journeys. Their stories break your heart and then lift you up again. I couldn't have asked for a better experience.
Meanwhile, I have been going through a pretty significant worldview shift over the past few weeks. I've been having many long conversations with Jimmy, Coleman, Colby, Jon, Jesse, and many others about taking our faith in a more radical direction. The book we've been reading Mere Discipleship by Lee Camp and the conversations and ideas sprouting from that has added gasoline to this fire. Now, my dreams of comfortable suburbia have been replaced by dreams of communal living (possibly sooner than later) and minimalism. Mr priorities of girls, sports, sleep, X-BOX and my desires for my comfort are being pushed back. New ideas are continually coming and will probably continue to grow exponentially.
In past semesters, I would have mentioned a lot of other things first in a mid-semester review. I guess they don't seem as important. Classes are good, boring but good. My friends are good. I'm making new friends, and my older friendships with some are strengthening while some have lessened, but it's all good. All in all, things are going great! Exciting things are happening and exciting things are on the way. God has really blessed me this semester more than I could possibly imagine. It's only halftime, and hopefully this semester can be like the Cowboys and be really strong in the second half (I think the Cowboys have outscored their opponents by something like 989-3 in second halves this season). I'm excited by what God has in store. Let's go!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Mighty Men

Last night in Jail Ministry I gave a devo on David's Mighty Men from 2 Samuel 23. This is one of my favorite little sections in the Old Testament and it's one that gets skipped over a lot. The section just quickly summarizes the exploits of David's elite soldiers. Some of my favorites are Josheb-Basshebeth, who killed 800 men in one encounter with just a spear, Eleazar, who fought off Philistines till his hand froze to his sword, and Beniaiah, who armed with only a club took on a huge Egyptian who had a spear, and ended up killing the Egyptian with his own spear.


Basically I talked about how God was able to do mighty things through them and can also do amazing things through us (though hopefully less violent!). MIGHTY was the theme for last year's IMPACT and it's something that has stuck with me going into this year. Being a mighty man for God calls you to transcend the usual ho-hum and passive style of life and calls you into something greater. It was interesting, because after Jail Ministry, Coleman and I met Jimmy to hear out his plan for doing some cool service projects on Sundays. I was resistant at first because my Sundays are usually reserved for Church, food, football, napping, and more football. But doesn't following God call me to leave my usual comfortable way of living and call me into something greater?
There have been a lot of things causing me to challenge my normal way of living my daily life. Jimmy and Coleman have been challenging me a lot (especially my dream of living in a nice suburban house), Dr. Neller has challenged me to be a radical disciple in daily life, my sisters examples in China and Brazil have challenged me to truly live out your life in service to others, and the book I've been reading, Mere Discipleship by Lee Camp has challenged me go beyond my normal beliefs of Christianity and look at Jesus' call in a whole new way. All of these seem to be calling for me to leave my easy way of living and thinking into something greater.
Perhaps God is calling me, and all of us, into a relationship beyond the parameters of comfort and ease into a something that is perhaps.....MIGHTY?
Monday, October 8, 2007
I'm Getting Kind of Good At This School Thing
Due in about 6 hours is a monster assignment that I just got done. We had to read a 300 page detailed commentary on John and write a 3 page summary/critique of it. Going into today I had only read the first few chapters, so I knew I had to kick it into gear. But, I couldn't sleep last night, so I had to take a nap this afternoon. Then I had to watch the Red Sox complete their sweep of the Angels. Then I had to get some dinner. Then I had to watch the beginning of the Packers/Bears game before I went to Downtown's night service. After that I knew I had to start on this beast when Coleman texted me telling me to come over to Jimmy's. I figured I'd stop by, and we ended up talking about communal living, biblical theology, and movies till midnight. I got back and read what I could until about 1:00.
So there I sat, 1:00 in the morning with nothing written. But I was like Vince Young on this one and didn't flinch. I ate some Ramen noodles, had a Dr. Enuff, made a quick outline of what I was going to write (which actually helps out a whole lot) and went to work. An hour and a half later, not only did I have the 3 minimum pages......I had 5! And you know what? It's pretty darn good. I rocked out that paper! Of course, maybe I just think it's good because it's 3:00 in the morning. But, I really think I'm getting the hang of college. At least for now. We'll see when I start my seminar classes next year!
Anyways, I'm gonna take a 5 and half hour nap and then go print this thing off in the library at 8:30 before my 9:00 class. Hmmm......sounds like another nap is coming up tomorrow afternoon.
So there I sat, 1:00 in the morning with nothing written. But I was like Vince Young on this one and didn't flinch. I ate some Ramen noodles, had a Dr. Enuff, made a quick outline of what I was going to write (which actually helps out a whole lot) and went to work. An hour and a half later, not only did I have the 3 minimum pages......I had 5! And you know what? It's pretty darn good. I rocked out that paper! Of course, maybe I just think it's good because it's 3:00 in the morning. But, I really think I'm getting the hang of college. At least for now. We'll see when I start my seminar classes next year!
Anyways, I'm gonna take a 5 and half hour nap and then go print this thing off in the library at 8:30 before my 9:00 class. Hmmm......sounds like another nap is coming up tomorrow afternoon.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Lately, my friends and I have been talking about what it would look like to be a people not tied to earthly possessions. We've been talking about how we could be minimalists in the future and even now at college. My friend Coleman talks about being good stewards here. He's been making real changes, such as not buying Coke and other various things. I've been thinking about this a lot for my future and for right now.
Am I a minimalist? Not yet. I want to be, and I feel that there are ways that I try to live minimally. However, many of my minimalist ways are just forced on me because I'm a poor college student. If I had more funds, I would probably buy a lot more crap. So I started thinking, "If Jesus told me to sell all my possessions, what would I have trouble parting with?" I'll call these my big 6:
1. My Computer
2.My cell phone

3. My hats (My Red Sox hat is in my car, but I love it too)
4. My TV (not the XBOX 360, that's my roommate's)
5. My books/movies

6. The camera I took these pics with
There's probably some more that I can't think of. I should probably put my car down, but anyone who knows the history of me and my Nissan Altima, they probably wouldn't be surprised if I just sold it in a fit of rage.
Are these things bad in and of themselves? No. In fact, I use things such as my computer, cell phone, and car to coordinate ministry activities. I read Christian books. I wear my hats to identify with people (okay, that one's a stretch). Am I going to sell all these and give the money to the poor? Probably not (however, if Jesus actually told me to, then I hope that I would). Being a college student, there's not a lot that ties me down, and I'm really happy about that. My point is not that I'm hoping to get rid of ALL my worldly possessions. I guess really I just want to try not to add any more to that list (or at least maybe not much more). I know that as I get older and start to have more money, responsibilities, and possibly a family, the temptation and possibly the necessity to have more things are going to grow. So is very important that I start building a discipline for good stewardship now before those come. I still have a long way to go, and God may call more of me soon (he may even call me to give up some of the big 6 someday). But I know that God calls us to more than just having a good heart or attitude of detachment from our treasures in this world, he actually calls us to actually live that out. I hope that in the future and in the present I can do a better job of honoring God by what I "give" and "give up". It's time to really start pondering what it means to be one who places their treasures in heaven instead of in this world. May God give me wisdom and courage to find out!
Am I a minimalist? Not yet. I want to be, and I feel that there are ways that I try to live minimally. However, many of my minimalist ways are just forced on me because I'm a poor college student. If I had more funds, I would probably buy a lot more crap. So I started thinking, "If Jesus told me to sell all my possessions, what would I have trouble parting with?" I'll call these my big 6:
1. My Computer
2.My cell phone
3. My hats (My Red Sox hat is in my car, but I love it too)
4. My TV (not the XBOX 360, that's my roommate's)
5. My books/movies
6. The camera I took these pics with
There's probably some more that I can't think of. I should probably put my car down, but anyone who knows the history of me and my Nissan Altima, they probably wouldn't be surprised if I just sold it in a fit of rage.
Are these things bad in and of themselves? No. In fact, I use things such as my computer, cell phone, and car to coordinate ministry activities. I read Christian books. I wear my hats to identify with people (okay, that one's a stretch). Am I going to sell all these and give the money to the poor? Probably not (however, if Jesus actually told me to, then I hope that I would). Being a college student, there's not a lot that ties me down, and I'm really happy about that. My point is not that I'm hoping to get rid of ALL my worldly possessions. I guess really I just want to try not to add any more to that list (or at least maybe not much more). I know that as I get older and start to have more money, responsibilities, and possibly a family, the temptation and possibly the necessity to have more things are going to grow. So is very important that I start building a discipline for good stewardship now before those come. I still have a long way to go, and God may call more of me soon (he may even call me to give up some of the big 6 someday). But I know that God calls us to more than just having a good heart or attitude of detachment from our treasures in this world, he actually calls us to actually live that out. I hope that in the future and in the present I can do a better job of honoring God by what I "give" and "give up". It's time to really start pondering what it means to be one who places their treasures in heaven instead of in this world. May God give me wisdom and courage to find out!
Rocky Top Strikes Back!

After, two tough losses and pitiful displays from our defense all season, the Vols finally showed up this season. And boy did they show up! Eric Ainge was perfectly efficient, our receivers made plays, and Foster did fantastic. Most importantly, our defense finally showed their stuff and DOMINATED a strong Bulldog offense. UT completely obliterated the Bulldogs, taking a 28-0 lead into halftime and never looked back.
With Florida's losses to Auburn and LSU, the Vols actually control their own destiny in the SEC. If they can somehow win out, they can go all the way to the SEC Championship. Of course, in the the way are several tough opponents such as South Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama, and Kentucky, as well as teams that could possibly surprise us such as MSU and Vandy (how can anyone possibly think the PAC-10 is better than the SEC?). After our beating by Florida two weeks ago, I would have said that was next to impossible. But now, if we play the way we did today, anything's possible.
In 2001, UT won against Florida and were a game away from the National Championship, when they went to play LSU in the SEC Championship. Matt Mauck and the Tigers ended up upsetting us in a devastating game. My dream: sweet revenge as LSU could likely be in position to go to the National Championship, only we upset them in the SEC Championship. Haha! That would be perfect! Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
2007 MLB Playoff Picks
I know I was supposed to do this before the playoffs started, but I didn't get a chance to. Anyways, I gotta go here soon, but I'll go through and throw out some picks.
Yankees vs Indians
This is a very intriguing match-up, and it's tough to pick. The Indians possibly have the best two pitchers in the playoffs this year. Sabathia and Carmona have been dominant this season. The Yankees meanwhile have Wang, a tired looking Pettite, Clemens (who hasn't pitched in 23 days), and some other terrible pitchers. The Yankees have a better offense, but the Indians have a spry underrated offense and they could possibly get a lot of runs across, especially against the Yanks starters.
However, this is the big x-factor. The Indians closer is Joe Borowski, who is horrible and has an ERA over 5. Do you really think he can handle the Yankees line-up in the pressure cooker situation of the playoffs? Meanwhile, the Yankees have the red hot Joba Chamberlain (which will be the single most annoying subplot of the playoffs as announcers ramble on and on about the Joba rules) and of course the Sandman, Mariano Rivera. I think the Yanks can steal one in Cleveland and then finish it out in New York.
My pick: Yanks in 4
Angels at Red Sox
A few weeks ago, as the Red Sox huge lead over the Yankees kept slipping away, I was more worried. Now, they're healthy, their pitchers seem to be getting back on form, Manny's back, J.D. Drew actually has a soul, and Big Papi is being Big Papi again. As Bill Simmons says in his playoff preview:
"In 2007, he stopped locking in. He looked tired. It looked like his knees were bothering him. Something wasn't right. Statistically, there wasn't a significant difference from 2004-06 except for the home run drop ... but something wasn't right. You could see it. Then he caught fire in mid-August, kept it going into September and morphed into the old Big Papi again. In the process, the Red Sox stopped resembling the team that broke out to a 36-16 start thanks to starting pitching, two great relievers and a solid offense; now they have decent starting pitching, one great reliever, three decent relievers and a much more dangerous offense. In other words, they look like the 2004 team, mostly because David Ortiz looks like the 2004 David Ortiz again. For the other seven playoff teams, this is a bad thing."
It seems like the Sox have been saving up the past few months to try and peak in the playoffs. I like they're starters, bullpen, lineup, and defense. As far as this series goes, the Sox have owned the Angels all year, and especially their ace John Lackey. The Angels have some spunk, and you never know what they are going to do. The Red Sox just look a lot better on paper though. However, in the playoffs, usually what's on paper is not what ends up happening. I mean, an awful looking Cardinals team came in and won the World Series last year. So, you never know what's going to happen.
My Pick: Red Sox in 4
Rockies vs. Phillies
The N.L is a lot harder to predict that the A.L. Part of this is because all the teams finished very strong, and partly because the players and teams are not nearly as well known. This is a really tough series to judge. Both teams came in really hot down the stretch, with the Rockies coming in really really hot , winning 14 out of 15. I think the Phils just have more talent on offense and better pitching in this one. Even though I just watched Colorado win Game 1, I think it may be a case of peaking too early. But who knows?
My Pick: Phillies in 5
Diamondbacks vs. Cubs
This could be a very weird series. Arizona is the first team since the 1906 White Sox to have to worst batting average and the best record in the league. I think their offense is pretty terrible. After Brandon Webb, their pitching is good, but not great.
On the other side, the Cubbies were only able to squeeze their way out of a terrible NL Central. They do have a pretty good offense (for NL standards) and good pitching. I don't know, I think this could come down to who wins the big game 1 pitching match-up of Zambrano and Webb. If Arizona can force it to a game 5, I might give them the edge, but I think I'm going to go with the Cubs.
My pick: Cubs in 4
The Yankees scare the snot out of me against the Sox. They've owned us in August and September, winning 5 of the last 6. It almost seems like they've gotten back that edge over the Sox. Either way, it's going to be a gut-wrenchingly stressful series and Armageddon could happen because of this series. After the 2003/2004 series it's impossible to pick what's going to happen in these series, but since Big Papi is looking good again, I'll go ahead and say he makes a big hit in game 7 at Fenway to win the series.
My Pick: Sox in 7
I think if the Cubs win a series and start gaining some steam, they could end up being really tough. With their crowd behind them, I think it will be very tough to win in Wrigley. The Red Sox and White Sox proved there's no such thing as curses anymore, so I'm going with the Cubs.
My pick: Cubs in 6
World Series
Cubs and Red Sox? Wait, how did that happen. But hey, no matter who's in the world series all the AL teams are a lot better than the NL teams (which I hate since I'm a big NL fan). Again, this was the case last year, and somehow the Cards got hot enough to fly through and win it all. However, this year I think the disparity is even bigger. I'm saying a big win for the Sox (come on, did you really think I would pick against my 2nd favorite team to win it all?)
My pick: Red Sox in 4
Yankees vs Indians
This is a very intriguing match-up, and it's tough to pick. The Indians possibly have the best two pitchers in the playoffs this year. Sabathia and Carmona have been dominant this season. The Yankees meanwhile have Wang, a tired looking Pettite, Clemens (who hasn't pitched in 23 days), and some other terrible pitchers. The Yankees have a better offense, but the Indians have a spry underrated offense and they could possibly get a lot of runs across, especially against the Yanks starters.
However, this is the big x-factor. The Indians closer is Joe Borowski, who is horrible and has an ERA over 5. Do you really think he can handle the Yankees line-up in the pressure cooker situation of the playoffs? Meanwhile, the Yankees have the red hot Joba Chamberlain (which will be the single most annoying subplot of the playoffs as announcers ramble on and on about the Joba rules) and of course the Sandman, Mariano Rivera. I think the Yanks can steal one in Cleveland and then finish it out in New York.
My pick: Yanks in 4
Angels at Red Sox
A few weeks ago, as the Red Sox huge lead over the Yankees kept slipping away, I was more worried. Now, they're healthy, their pitchers seem to be getting back on form, Manny's back, J.D. Drew actually has a soul, and Big Papi is being Big Papi again. As Bill Simmons says in his playoff preview:
"In 2007, he stopped locking in. He looked tired. It looked like his knees were bothering him. Something wasn't right. Statistically, there wasn't a significant difference from 2004-06 except for the home run drop ... but something wasn't right. You could see it. Then he caught fire in mid-August, kept it going into September and morphed into the old Big Papi again. In the process, the Red Sox stopped resembling the team that broke out to a 36-16 start thanks to starting pitching, two great relievers and a solid offense; now they have decent starting pitching, one great reliever, three decent relievers and a much more dangerous offense. In other words, they look like the 2004 team, mostly because David Ortiz looks like the 2004 David Ortiz again. For the other seven playoff teams, this is a bad thing."
It seems like the Sox have been saving up the past few months to try and peak in the playoffs. I like they're starters, bullpen, lineup, and defense. As far as this series goes, the Sox have owned the Angels all year, and especially their ace John Lackey. The Angels have some spunk, and you never know what they are going to do. The Red Sox just look a lot better on paper though. However, in the playoffs, usually what's on paper is not what ends up happening. I mean, an awful looking Cardinals team came in and won the World Series last year. So, you never know what's going to happen.
My Pick: Red Sox in 4
Rockies vs. Phillies
The N.L is a lot harder to predict that the A.L. Part of this is because all the teams finished very strong, and partly because the players and teams are not nearly as well known. This is a really tough series to judge. Both teams came in really hot down the stretch, with the Rockies coming in really really hot , winning 14 out of 15. I think the Phils just have more talent on offense and better pitching in this one. Even though I just watched Colorado win Game 1, I think it may be a case of peaking too early. But who knows?
My Pick: Phillies in 5
Diamondbacks vs. Cubs
This could be a very weird series. Arizona is the first team since the 1906 White Sox to have to worst batting average and the best record in the league. I think their offense is pretty terrible. After Brandon Webb, their pitching is good, but not great.
On the other side, the Cubbies were only able to squeeze their way out of a terrible NL Central. They do have a pretty good offense (for NL standards) and good pitching. I don't know, I think this could come down to who wins the big game 1 pitching match-up of Zambrano and Webb. If Arizona can force it to a game 5, I might give them the edge, but I think I'm going to go with the Cubs.
My pick: Cubs in 4
The Yankees scare the snot out of me against the Sox. They've owned us in August and September, winning 5 of the last 6. It almost seems like they've gotten back that edge over the Sox. Either way, it's going to be a gut-wrenchingly stressful series and Armageddon could happen because of this series. After the 2003/2004 series it's impossible to pick what's going to happen in these series, but since Big Papi is looking good again, I'll go ahead and say he makes a big hit in game 7 at Fenway to win the series.
My Pick: Sox in 7
I think if the Cubs win a series and start gaining some steam, they could end up being really tough. With their crowd behind them, I think it will be very tough to win in Wrigley. The Red Sox and White Sox proved there's no such thing as curses anymore, so I'm going with the Cubs.
My pick: Cubs in 6
World Series
Cubs and Red Sox? Wait, how did that happen. But hey, no matter who's in the world series all the AL teams are a lot better than the NL teams (which I hate since I'm a big NL fan). Again, this was the case last year, and somehow the Cards got hot enough to fly through and win it all. However, this year I think the disparity is even bigger. I'm saying a big win for the Sox (come on, did you really think I would pick against my 2nd favorite team to win it all?)
My pick: Red Sox in 4
Monday, October 1, 2007
Thinking about the Future
With the sudden realization of "Oh snap! I'm going to be a real adult in 19 months!" suddenly coming upon me, I've been thinking about the future lately. In 19 months I'll be out in the real world and I'm going to have to get a real job, real housing, and start paying my real student loans. My little safe haven of Harding will be gone and I'll be out in the world beyond Searcy, Arkansas. Again I say to you, "Oh snap!"
Now, of course this is just an over-reaction. Obviously, I have plenty of time until May 2009. But this is the first time that this graduation date has come into the real foreseeable future. Of course, this is much too far away to make any sort of plans. It's too far away to even think what I want to be doing. A million things could come up between now and then and could change my direction entirely (not to mention the fact that Jesus could come back......I mean, literally anything could happen). I see in front of me hundreds of different opportunities that could possibly arise and hundreds of different directions that my life could take.
Still, with a combination of fun, excitement, and unbelievable fear, I still catch myself glimpsing about what could happen past that May 2009 date. Career wise, my options that seem the most viable to me as of now (key phrase: as of now) are either going to Grad school, getting a youth ministry job, or doing mission work. Other things could definitely pop up, but those are the ones I dream about the most. I would be happy with any of those options, though perhaps not really thrilled about the idea of Grad School so soon after under-grad.
Anyways, I bring this up to talk about a fun conversation my good friend Coleman and I had tonight. Coleman and I have been friends since early freshman year, and we've been ministry partners in various things, such as jail ministry, a Nicaragua mission trip, and our big plans for this year (that's for another blog). Anyways, we've always worked well together, and we kind of balance each other out. He's very realistic, pragmatic, and practical, while I can be idealistic, emotional, and unrealistically optimistic (sorry if there's too many "-ics" in there). Coleman has always dreamed of moving up north to a city like Seattle, be a history teacher, and starting a church plant. My dreams usually tended to be something like stay south around some place like Nashville, get a good youth ministry job, and shack up there. So, I guess we always figured our ministry partnership would be over after college. However, today we finally had the conversation of, "What if we could still work together in some way using some combination of those dreams?" We have no idea how this would take place and in what form it could take, but it was fun coming up with possible hypothetical situations of how we could minister to any number of cities (we came up with tons: Seattle, Portland, St. Paul, San Francisco). It's all just guesses and it's all totally hypothetical, but it's fun and exciting to think of what God could do through us. The chances of any of this happening is probably very low and it would probably be tough to find a situation where both of us could be in the same city. But hey, it's fun to dream, and you never know what God is going to do.
I sometimes get so frustrated when people tell me that "College is the best time of your life." I mean, I love college and I'm going to soak everything out of it and enjoy it as much as I can while I'm here. But, I'm also really excited about what God has planned for me next. I believe and I hope that there are many amazing things to come. It's scary, but bring it on. Future, let's see what you have in store.
Now, of course this is just an over-reaction. Obviously, I have plenty of time until May 2009. But this is the first time that this graduation date has come into the real foreseeable future. Of course, this is much too far away to make any sort of plans. It's too far away to even think what I want to be doing. A million things could come up between now and then and could change my direction entirely (not to mention the fact that Jesus could come back......I mean, literally anything could happen). I see in front of me hundreds of different opportunities that could possibly arise and hundreds of different directions that my life could take.
Still, with a combination of fun, excitement, and unbelievable fear, I still catch myself glimpsing about what could happen past that May 2009 date. Career wise, my options that seem the most viable to me as of now (key phrase: as of now) are either going to Grad school, getting a youth ministry job, or doing mission work. Other things could definitely pop up, but those are the ones I dream about the most. I would be happy with any of those options, though perhaps not really thrilled about the idea of Grad School so soon after under-grad.
Anyways, I bring this up to talk about a fun conversation my good friend Coleman and I had tonight. Coleman and I have been friends since early freshman year, and we've been ministry partners in various things, such as jail ministry, a Nicaragua mission trip, and our big plans for this year (that's for another blog). Anyways, we've always worked well together, and we kind of balance each other out. He's very realistic, pragmatic, and practical, while I can be idealistic, emotional, and unrealistically optimistic (sorry if there's too many "-ics" in there). Coleman has always dreamed of moving up north to a city like Seattle, be a history teacher, and starting a church plant. My dreams usually tended to be something like stay south around some place like Nashville, get a good youth ministry job, and shack up there. So, I guess we always figured our ministry partnership would be over after college. However, today we finally had the conversation of, "What if we could still work together in some way using some combination of those dreams?" We have no idea how this would take place and in what form it could take, but it was fun coming up with possible hypothetical situations of how we could minister to any number of cities (we came up with tons: Seattle, Portland, St. Paul, San Francisco). It's all just guesses and it's all totally hypothetical, but it's fun and exciting to think of what God could do through us. The chances of any of this happening is probably very low and it would probably be tough to find a situation where both of us could be in the same city. But hey, it's fun to dream, and you never know what God is going to do.
I sometimes get so frustrated when people tell me that "College is the best time of your life." I mean, I love college and I'm going to soak everything out of it and enjoy it as much as I can while I'm here. But, I'm also really excited about what God has planned for me next. I believe and I hope that there are many amazing things to come. It's scary, but bring it on. Future, let's see what you have in store.
Friday, September 28, 2007
QB Power Rankings
So, I've been wanting to write this specific blog for a while. I thought it would be fun to rank all 32 starting quarterbacks for this season. Now, this is difficult to do for several reasons. The first is that a lot of teams are already going through quarterback changes, so it's difficult to tell which starting qb to put down, so, I'll do my best.
The second is simply the question of how to best rank all the players. Do you look at this year, which is only 3 games into the season and doesn't give you a very good sampling or do you look at last year which is already outdated (for example, Ben Rothlesberger looked like he did a keg stand before every game last season, while this season he has been playing exactly the way he needs to in order to win the game). Also, which is more important: stats or wins? So, this is what went in my head in order to rank the quarterbacks from greatest to least.
1. If your life depended on one football game, who would you feel most/least confident about starting at QB (specifically how you would feel about that QB driving down the field in the last minute of the 4th quarter)?
2. How the QB lead his team in 2006
3. The direction the QB is taking the team in 2007
4. The QB's overall career
5. 2006 stats
6. 2007 stats
Notice that I don't focus too much on stats. For example, based on last year's statistics, Vince Young would be in the bottom 10 quarterbacks in the league while Marc Bulger would have been one of the top QB's. Anyways, enough setup. Here we go:
The "Call In the Backup" Division
32. Kelly Holcombe/Tavaris Jackson/Brooks Bollinger-Minnesota Vikings
Kelly Holcombe
2007-50% Comp 0 TD/0 INT/165 Yds
Tavaris Jackson
2006-58% Comp 2 TD/4 INT/475 Yds
2007-53.6% Comp 1 TD/5 INT/329 Yds
Brooks Bollinger
2006-72.2% Comp o TD/1 INT/146 Yds
2007-75% Comp 0 TD/0 INT/26 Yds
I didn't really know who to even put for the Vikings' QB since all of them have played and all them are so bad. You know you're in trouble when the guy you touted as the future of your franchise in Tavaris Jackson is replaced by KELLY HOLCOMBE in the second game. All of these guys are terrible, and Minnesota's only chance is to hand it off to Adrian Peterson 40 times a game. I actually got drafted by Minnesota in Superstar Mode in Madden '08, and of course got immediately sent up to the top of the depth chart. Maybe if the Vikings can import my character into real life, then they can actually have a chance this year.
31. Joey Harrington-Atlanta Falcons
2006-57.5% Comp 12 TD/15 INT/2236 Yds
2007-68.8% Comp 2 TD/2 INT/ 760 Yds
I've been trying to give Joey Harrington the benefit of the doubt ever since he's been in the league. I would always say, "Come on, he's been playing for Detroit and Miami." Of course, he did come into an impossible situation this year after coming in last minute for PETA enemy #1, but eventually you just have to face facts and say that Joey Harrington is just not a good quarterback. Byron Leftwitch will probably replace him next week (if not in the 2nd half this week) and Joey will make the back-up circuit before making his way to NFL Europe. I think I know the secret of Harrington's demise, though. Can you really follow a guy into battle whose name is "Joey"? I still think that if he suddenly called a press conference to announce he's changing his name to "Joe Harrington" his stats would suddenly shoot up. But that would make too much sense.
30. Derek Anderson-Cleveland Browns
2006-56.4% 5 TD/8 INT/793 Yds
2007-52% 7 TD/4 INT/760 Yds
Despite his crazy game against Cincinnati in week 2, I still have no confidence in Derek. Maybe he'll prove me wrong, but I still think that Brady Quinn is going to be sent in about week 8. Of course, that probably won't help anything, because this is still the Cleveland Browns.
29. Rex Grossman/Brian Griese-Chicago Bears
2006- 54.6% 23 TD/20 INT/3193 Yds
2007-52.8% 1 TD/6 INT/ 500 yds
It's hard to believe that the guy who "led" his team to the Super Bowl is getting benched by week 4. But, that's what you get with the Rex Grossman. I actually don't think Rex is as bad as everyone thinks he is. Remember, this guy was the MVP favorite halfway through last year's season. But I think he just hasn't been able to stand up to the constant pressure and criticism that Jay Marrioti and the rest of the country throws on him. However, since he has clearly folded under that pressure, you have to look for options elsewhere. I don't think Griese is the answer though. This is the same guy who got chased out of Denver with burning torches and is described by his teammates in Chicago as "aloof" and "unfriendly." That just doesn't sound like the type of guy that you want to lead your team. My answer: go with Kyle Orton. His teammates love him, and he's lead this Bears team to the playoffs before. He won't be great, but he'll be good enough to win you some games, or at least not lose them. If that doesn't work, try to get Drew Bledsoe out of retirement.
28. Daunte Culpepper-Oakland Raiders
2006-60.4% 2 TD/3 INT/929 yds
2007-57.1% 0 TD/0 INT/118 yds
You know it's bad when you got benched for Joey Harrington last year. But, it looks like he'll be in for a few weeks until McNown gets healthy again. I put Daunte this high because everyone said during the pre-season that he hooked himself up to the rejuvination machine. Plus, 3 years ago this guy was one of the top 3 QB's in the NFL. There has to be something left in there, right? Well, maybe not, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him have a few good games.
The "We'll Settle For This Guy......For Now" Division
27. Damon Huard-Kansas City Chiefs
2006-60.7% 11 TD/1 INT/1878 yds
2007-67.8% 2 TD/3 INT/549 yds
Huard had a fantastic run coming in for an injured Trent Green last year. However, he has looked really flat this year. Plus, now that LJ is completely dead from his 420 carries last season, I don't think Huard can get it done with more pressure on the passing game. I'm looking at the Chiefs going 3-13 this year. Sorry, KC fans, I guess you'll just have to look forward to the Royals in the Spring. Wait, bad idea. Why don't you guys just take a break from the sports scene for a while.
26. Trent Green-Miami Dolphins
2006-61.1% 7 TD/9 INT/1342 yds
2007-61.4% 4 TD/5 INT/824 yds
I think if it wasn't for injuries, Trent Green would have been known as one of the better QB's of the last 10 years. He got injured playing for the Rams and some guy from the Arena league named Kurt Warner took over, and he played well in KC until getting injured last year. He's not playing well this year, but he's also playing with the Dolphins. So, I don't think he's as bad as people thinks he is.
25. Marc Bulger-St. Louis Rams
2006-62.9% 24 TD/8 INT/4301 yds
2007-57.8% 2 TD/3 INT/651 yds
Based solely on stats, Bulger was one of the best QB's in the league last year. But when you think about it, with the Receiving core, running game, and offensive line that the Rams had last year, I think Casey Clausen could go in and have a decent year with the Rams. Plus, Marc Bulger just doesn't win games. Period. He may put up a lot of yards, but when you need someone to come through in the clutch, there are a lot of quarterbacks (24 to be exact) that I'd feel better about leading my team. Throw in the fact that he's been stinking the joint this year in every aspect of the game and it's easy to see that Bulger is just not a good QB.
24. Jake Delhomme-Carolina Panthers
2006-61% 17 TD/11 INT/2805 yds
2007-64% 8 TD/1/INT/626 yds
Delhomme was actually having a good year until he got injured last week. I actually think that if he stayed completely healthy this year the Panthers could have a shot at the playoffs. But when you throw in perennial disappointment David Carr into the mix, it could be a long season. Let's hope for Panther fans that Delhomme gets healthy quick.
23. Matt Leinart-Arizona Cardinals
2006-56.8% 11 TD/12 INT/2547 yds
2007-54.1% 2 TD/3 INT/454 yds
I actually thought that Matty had a pretty decent rookie year considering the situation (the fact that he was playing for the Cardinals). But after a slow start this year, Ken Wisenhunt inexplicably pulled him in the second half of last week's game in favor of Kurt Warner. This move makes no sense to me. Wisenhunt claims that Warner gives them an advantage in certain schemes. Why not just teach Leinart to do those schemes better. How can you kill the confidence of the kid who's supposed to be the future of your franchise? Leinart is still learning and he needs time to develop, but I still think that he has the capacity to be one of the better QB's in the league, as long as his coach doesn't make anymore idiotic moves (Speaking of which, why are people so big on Wisenhunt? His resume is that he was an offensive coordinator for the Steelers, but when has Pittsburgh been known for their offense? During their run they got by with a staunch defense and an offense that did enough to get out with a win. Supposedly Wisenhunt was the mastermind of that team? I give the credit to Russ Grimm and Bill Cowher. From what Wisenhunt has done so far, I am not impressed.
The Mediocrity Division
22. Alex Smith-San Francisco 49'ers
2006-58.1% 16 TD/16 INT/2890 yds
2007-51.8% 1 TD/1 INT/ 461 yds
Um.....I have no idea about this guy. So far, I'm not impressed. He seems like the perfect example of mediocrity. I'm so perplexed by this guy that I'm just getting frustrated, so let's just move on.
21. David Garrard-Jacksonville Jaguars
2006-60.2% 10 TD/9 INT/1735 yds
2007-64% 3 TD/ 0 INT/ 630 yds
A lot of people would probably put Garrard higher on the list. He's decent, but the fact remains that the Jags have an incredible defense, a powerful running game, and yet were only 8-8 last year and looking just as mediocre this year. What's the problem in this equation? Garrard is good, but he will never do anything notable at QB. If the Jags want to take their team to the next level, then they need to find a new QB. Or maybe I'm just saying these things because the Titans have destroyed him their last two games.
20. J.P. Losman-Buffalo Bills
2006-62.5% 19 TD/14 INT/3051 yds
2007-63.8% 0 TD/1 INT/255 yds
Losman was actually pretty good last season and almost led a bad Bills team to the playoffs. He can be inconsistent but he has a lot of upside potential. Unfortuantely, he's injured for the next 4 weeks and the Bills are toast without him. Poor Bills fans, they have their first decent QB since Doug Flutie and he gets injured. Is Jim Kelly available?
19. Chad Pennington-New York Jets
2006-64.5% 17 TD/16 INT/3352 yds
2007-72.1% 4 TD/0 INT/ 291 yds
I gotta say that Chad has always been a cool player, and it's always fun to watch someone who looks like their 13 years old in the face play in the NFL (and with the arm strength of a 13 year old). I just don't know how long he's got. From this point on, every bad game he has, the Jets fans will start calling for Clemens to come in. That's a pretty difficult situation for someone who can't throw the ball 20 yards down the field.
18. Matt Shaub-Houston Texans
2006-66.7%/1 TD/2 INT/208 yds
2007-75.9%/4 TD/3 INT/688 yds
Shaub has gone in and completely rejuvenated the Texans. Well can you be rejuvenated if you've never been good before? We'll say he's um, juvenated the Texans. He's also gone in and single-handedly destroyed any excuses people used to make for David Carr. This guy looks legit, but I need to see a little more before I bump him up on the list anymore. I'll stay tuned.
17. Jay Cutler-Denver Broncos
2006- 59.1% 9 TD/5 INT/ 1001 yds
2007-65.3% 3 TD/4 INT/795 yds
Cutler had a pretty good rookie year, but he hasn't looked all that great so far this year. The Broncos are 2-1 so far, but they could very easily be 0-3. I think Cutler has all the tools to be successful, I'm just not sure if he has that it factor that the great QB's need. We'll see how it goes.
16. Jason Campbell-Washington Redskins
2006-53.1% 10TD/6 INT/1297 yds
2007-52.4% 2 TD/3 INT/621 yds
I'm not sure if Jason Campbell is actually as good as I think he is or if he just looks better compared to all the Redskins QB's of the past 10 years. His passing game isn't great, but he has the ability to run, and it seemed like he was able to do what it takes to win a couple of weeks against Philly. Although, I wouldn't be upset if he didn't turn out to be any good, because I hate the Redskins.
15. Jeff Garcia-Tampa Bay Buccaneers
2006-61.7% 10 TD/2 INT/1309 yds
2007-66.2% 2 TD/0 INT/595 yds
Garcia came for an injured Donavan McNabb in last year and played incredibly as he led the Eagles to another division title and into the playoffs. He's playing pretty well with the Bucs this year, and they now stand at 2-1. Can he keep it up? I think so.
14. Eli Manning-New York Giants
2006-57.7% 24 TD/18 INT/ 3244 yds
2007-61.3% 6 TD/4 INT/755 yds
Eli always gets a bad rap because he's constantly being compared to Peyton. People just have to get used to the fact that Eli is different from Peyton. Eli is more introverted, more of a recluse, and not the "natural leader" that Peyton is. But he's still a good QB. Not great, but good. I did think he was pretty hard core for coming back in week 2 when everyone was saying before that he'd be out at least 4 weeks. Not bad.
13. Jon Kitna-Detroit Lions
2006-62.4% 21 TD/22 INT/4208 yds
2007-68.4 % 6 TD/4 INT/980 yds
I've always thought Kitna was one of the more underrated players in the league. He had a good year last year and has been playing well this year. It helps to be under the Mike Martz system, but Kitna also has a certain hutzpah about him. When he came back in the second half a couple of weeks ago after having a concussion, some called it stupid. It may have been, but it was also gutsy. You know you have a pretty good QB when one of your players says, "Other teams can have their Brady's and Manning's, but we'll take Jon Kitna any day." That may be a bit much, but it still shows you something when your QB has that much respect from his teammates.
The Franchise QB's Division
12. Philip Rivers-San Diego Chargers
2006-61.7% 22 TD/ 9 INT/ 3388 yds
2007-70.1% 5 TD/4 INT/ 675 yds
Rivers had a very good year last year, which people forget was his first as a starter. He's played okay this year, but the Chargers are only 1-2. Although that's probably more the fault of Norv Turner that Rivers. Plus, not many people mention the fact that the Chargers have no wide receivers. They have LT and Antonio Gates to throw to, but the pickings get slim after that. Rivers is just good enough to make people forget about that fact.
11. Steve McNair-Baltimore Ravens
2006-63% 16 TD/12 INT/3050 yds
2007-65.6% 1 TD/1 INT/ 401 yds
Even though he didn't put up gaudy stats, McNair was one of the main reasons thed Ravens won their division last year. Next to Manning and Brady, there's no one else in the league I would rather have driving my team down the field in the 4th quarter with 2 minutes to go. I still miss him playing for the Titans and it's tough to watch him do well with the Ravens. However, I've got a bad feeling that McNair's oft-injured body is going to catch up with him this year (it already did in one game). I just don't see him making it through the season. I still love him, though and I hope that when he enters the Hall of Fame, he'll enter as a Titan.
10. Ben Rothlisberger-Pittsburgh Steelers
2006-59.7% 18 TD/23 INT/3513 yds
2007-59.7% 6 TD/1 INT/563 yds
Everyone in Pittsburgh, including Big Ben is looking into getting the Eternal Sunshine guys to remove the 2006 season from their minds. But, it looks like Benny is into his old form and is playing well. He doesn't have to win the game on his own, but when he's on form, he does enough to win the game. Just know that if you ever get a chance to talk to him in 20 years about his career he'll say something like this:
"Yeah it was great winning the Super Bowl and then.......(long pause) and then we came strong in 2007. Although I was always confused as to where Coach Cowher went."
9. Vince Young-Tennessee Titans
2006-51.5% 12 TD/13 INT/2199 yds
2007-62.7% 3 TD/2 INT/426
His passing stats may not look great, and a lot of people would not put him this high on their lists. I admit that I'm biased when it comes to VY (I love him!!!!!), but you also have to look at the facts. With his ability to run the ball, he is one of the most impossible players to defend. His passing game has improved a lot this year and there is a definite notable difference with the zip in which he throws the ball. He is always able to make the big play when it needs to be made. The Titans would be 3-0 if Brandon Jones hadn't dropped a pass on 3rd and 4 with 40 seconds to go against the Colts. Plus, whenever Vince goes back in the shotgun on 3rd down, I always think, 'There is no way that we're not getting this first down!' That's not something you can say about most QB's. In fact, I was shocked when Vince actually didn't complete the 4th quarter comeback against the Colts. You know you're in good shape when you're shocked your QB doesn't make a tough comeback against the defending Super Bowl champs.
8. Matt Hasselbeck-Seattle Sehawks
2006-56.6% 18 TD/15 INT/2442 yds
2007-64.9% 5 TD/2 INT/ 751 yds
Hasselbeck is one of the most underrated players in the league, and no one really pays attention to him as he is consistently one of the best QB's in the league. Part of this is due to the fact that he's way up in the far corner of the country and the fact that his city is populated by coffee drinking computer nerds and emo kids. Still, he always puts up great numbers and has a knack for getting his team the win. Plus, I'm still impressed from when he won the toss against the Packers in an overtime playoff game a few years ago and said, "We'll take the ball and we're gonna win it." They ended up losing, but it was still one of the coolest moves ever.
7. Brett Favre-Green Bay Packers
2006-56% 18TD/18 INT/3885 yds
2007-64% 6 TD/2 INT/861 yds
Favre has had a rough time the past couple of years, but he's really been back to the 90's version of Favre again. I feel like I'm caught in such a time warp that I keep expecting the Wallflowers to be popular again. What's even more impressive is that he's gotten the Packers to 3-0 when they have a TERRIBLE running game. I really hope he keeps it up and I'll be rooting for him all year. He's one of the greatest ever and it's fun to watch him on his game again.
6. Drew Brees-New Orleans Saints
2006-64.3% 26 TD/11 INT/4418 yds
2007-63.8% 1 TD/7 INT/677 yds
It's kind of a stretch to put Brees up this high considering how bad he has been this year (7 interceptions!). Let me defend myself. The Saints' defense has been so atrocious this year that Brees has been forced to take chances that he wouldn't normally take. I'm choosing to believe that the first 3 games this season have been an aberration. You have to take into account how incredible his season was last year. Although, if he plays as bad as he did against the Titans on Monday again, then I'll have to start moving him down my list.
5. Donovan McNabb-Philadelphia Eagles
2006-57% 18 TD/6 INT/2647 yds
2007-61% 5 TD/1 INT/ 805 yds
McNabb got off to a very slow start this season, but if last week is any indication, it looks like he's back on form. McNabb is one of the top quarterbacks of this decade and before he got injured last season he was single-handedly carrying the Eagles on his back. The numbers above for 2006 were acquired in only 10 games! If McNabb can stay healthy, watch out. Of course, based on the past few years, it's unlikely that he'll finish the season injury free.
4. Tony Romo-Dallas Cowboys
2006-65.3% 19 TD/13 INT/2903 yds
2007-58% 8 TD/2 INT/860 yds
Romo got off to a fantastic start last year, but finished it off with a mediocre final 4 games, culminated in the botched snap against Seattle in the playoffs. So this year, the big question was whether he could bounce back mentally. Clearly, he has definitely come back and is even better than he was during his golden-boy streak last year. I don't know if anyone has his ability to avoid pressure in the pocket. There were about 5 times in the Bears game that just made me go "Wow!" when he was able to dodge the blitz and make a play downfield. Plus it was amazing to see him convert approximately 743 third and long conversions. The Cowboys wouldn't have even sniffed the playoffs last year without him, and he's been playing this well so far without his #2 receiver, Terry Glenn. He's definitely fun to watch and he has a special confidence and charisma that is essential to be one of the top quarterbacks in the league. I know people will probably say that it's a homer pick for me to put him at #4, and they're probably right. But, at this point, there are few that I'd rather have going into a big game against a tough defense. And if he can bounce back from one of the most soul crushing moments in recent years then he can bounce back from anything. I really do think that when all is said and done, we're going to look at Romo as one of the best of this generation. Thank goodness that Bledsoe stunk it up last year or we'd never know about all this.
3. Carson Plamer-Cincinnati Bengals
2006-62.3% 28 TD/13 INT/4035 yds
2007-64% 9TD/4 INT/937 yds
Carson is definitely among the elite quarterbacks in the league right now. He puts up incredible stats and he is able to lead his team to victory. He also showed his ability to overcome adversity when he came back from injury to have a great year last year. He probably would have had more success on some other teams if he hadn't been signed to the Cincinnati Bail Bond Bengals. He has great arm-strength and great decision making abilities. We'll see if he's able to translate those abilities into championships in the next few years.
The Best of out Generation
1b. Tom Brady-New England Patriots
2006-61.8% 24 TD/12 INT/ 3529 yds
2007-79.5% 10TD/1 INT/887 yds
The fact is that Brady has never had very good receivers and yet he has always been able to put up great numbers and win games. This was especially seen last year when he had awful AWFUL receivers (you know it's bad when your best receiver is Reche Caldwell) and yet was still able to get to the AFC Championship. In fact, if Troy Brown hadn't run a wrong route on the last drive against the Colts, the Pats would have won and Brady would have destroyed the Bears to win his 4th Super Bowl, and Manning would still be known as the guy who couldn't win the big one. Now that the Pats picked up Donte Stallworth, Wes Welker, and a rejuvenated Randy Moss, we're finally seeing what Brady can do with quality receivers. Brady has been playing in-humanly this year and it looks like he's not even trying. With a destructive Brady at the helm, the Pats look like the 96 Bulls in their dominance. Brady is one of the best ever, and next to Joe Montana is possible the 2nd best clutch QB's ever. If you put a gun to my head then I say that Peyton is better, but if I have my choice then I say they're tied. If Brady can win his 4th Super Bowl in 7 years this season, then I'll have to give him back the sole #1 spot.
1a. Peyton Manning-Indianapolis Colts
2006-65% 31 TD/9 INT/4397 yds
2007-65.3% 5 TD/1 INT/873 yds
Peyton has put up the best numbers in the NFL for the past 6 seasons, but his critics had always said that he couldn't win the big game. It was a fair argument and was holding up until something happened in the Colts locker room at halftime in the AFC Championship. Peyton came out and mounted an amazing comeback, won the game, and went on to dismantle the Bears in the Super Bowl. Now I definitely have to put him up there with Brady. And since he's going to break all of Marino's and Favre's records in a 8 years, it's possible to say that Peyton could be known as THE greatest NFL quarterback ever. Right now, he's in a tight race with Brady for the best in the game right now. But if he can win the Super Bowl again with a Colts team that lost several key players over the off-season, then the Brady-Manning debate will be pretty much over. I'm excited to see how it all plays out.
The second is simply the question of how to best rank all the players. Do you look at this year, which is only 3 games into the season and doesn't give you a very good sampling or do you look at last year which is already outdated (for example, Ben Rothlesberger looked like he did a keg stand before every game last season, while this season he has been playing exactly the way he needs to in order to win the game). Also, which is more important: stats or wins? So, this is what went in my head in order to rank the quarterbacks from greatest to least.
1. If your life depended on one football game, who would you feel most/least confident about starting at QB (specifically how you would feel about that QB driving down the field in the last minute of the 4th quarter)?
2. How the QB lead his team in 2006
3. The direction the QB is taking the team in 2007
4. The QB's overall career
5. 2006 stats
6. 2007 stats
Notice that I don't focus too much on stats. For example, based on last year's statistics, Vince Young would be in the bottom 10 quarterbacks in the league while Marc Bulger would have been one of the top QB's. Anyways, enough setup. Here we go:
The "Call In the Backup" Division
32. Kelly Holcombe/Tavaris Jackson/Brooks Bollinger-Minnesota Vikings
Kelly Holcombe
2007-50% Comp 0 TD/0 INT/165 Yds
Tavaris Jackson
2006-58% Comp 2 TD/4 INT/475 Yds
2007-53.6% Comp 1 TD/5 INT/329 Yds
Brooks Bollinger
2006-72.2% Comp o TD/1 INT/146 Yds
2007-75% Comp 0 TD/0 INT/26 Yds
I didn't really know who to even put for the Vikings' QB since all of them have played and all them are so bad. You know you're in trouble when the guy you touted as the future of your franchise in Tavaris Jackson is replaced by KELLY HOLCOMBE in the second game. All of these guys are terrible, and Minnesota's only chance is to hand it off to Adrian Peterson 40 times a game. I actually got drafted by Minnesota in Superstar Mode in Madden '08, and of course got immediately sent up to the top of the depth chart. Maybe if the Vikings can import my character into real life, then they can actually have a chance this year.
31. Joey Harrington-Atlanta Falcons
2006-57.5% Comp 12 TD/15 INT/2236 Yds
2007-68.8% Comp 2 TD/2 INT/ 760 Yds
I've been trying to give Joey Harrington the benefit of the doubt ever since he's been in the league. I would always say, "Come on, he's been playing for Detroit and Miami." Of course, he did come into an impossible situation this year after coming in last minute for PETA enemy #1, but eventually you just have to face facts and say that Joey Harrington is just not a good quarterback. Byron Leftwitch will probably replace him next week (if not in the 2nd half this week) and Joey will make the back-up circuit before making his way to NFL Europe. I think I know the secret of Harrington's demise, though. Can you really follow a guy into battle whose name is "Joey"? I still think that if he suddenly called a press conference to announce he's changing his name to "Joe Harrington" his stats would suddenly shoot up. But that would make too much sense.
30. Derek Anderson-Cleveland Browns
2006-56.4% 5 TD/8 INT/793 Yds
2007-52% 7 TD/4 INT/760 Yds
Despite his crazy game against Cincinnati in week 2, I still have no confidence in Derek. Maybe he'll prove me wrong, but I still think that Brady Quinn is going to be sent in about week 8. Of course, that probably won't help anything, because this is still the Cleveland Browns.
29. Rex Grossman/Brian Griese-Chicago Bears
2006- 54.6% 23 TD/20 INT/3193 Yds
2007-52.8% 1 TD/6 INT/ 500 yds
It's hard to believe that the guy who "led" his team to the Super Bowl is getting benched by week 4. But, that's what you get with the Rex Grossman. I actually don't think Rex is as bad as everyone thinks he is. Remember, this guy was the MVP favorite halfway through last year's season. But I think he just hasn't been able to stand up to the constant pressure and criticism that Jay Marrioti and the rest of the country throws on him. However, since he has clearly folded under that pressure, you have to look for options elsewhere. I don't think Griese is the answer though. This is the same guy who got chased out of Denver with burning torches and is described by his teammates in Chicago as "aloof" and "unfriendly." That just doesn't sound like the type of guy that you want to lead your team. My answer: go with Kyle Orton. His teammates love him, and he's lead this Bears team to the playoffs before. He won't be great, but he'll be good enough to win you some games, or at least not lose them. If that doesn't work, try to get Drew Bledsoe out of retirement.
28. Daunte Culpepper-Oakland Raiders
2006-60.4% 2 TD/3 INT/929 yds
2007-57.1% 0 TD/0 INT/118 yds
You know it's bad when you got benched for Joey Harrington last year. But, it looks like he'll be in for a few weeks until McNown gets healthy again. I put Daunte this high because everyone said during the pre-season that he hooked himself up to the rejuvination machine. Plus, 3 years ago this guy was one of the top 3 QB's in the NFL. There has to be something left in there, right? Well, maybe not, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him have a few good games.
The "We'll Settle For This Guy......For Now" Division
27. Damon Huard-Kansas City Chiefs
2006-60.7% 11 TD/1 INT/1878 yds
2007-67.8% 2 TD/3 INT/549 yds
Huard had a fantastic run coming in for an injured Trent Green last year. However, he has looked really flat this year. Plus, now that LJ is completely dead from his 420 carries last season, I don't think Huard can get it done with more pressure on the passing game. I'm looking at the Chiefs going 3-13 this year. Sorry, KC fans, I guess you'll just have to look forward to the Royals in the Spring. Wait, bad idea. Why don't you guys just take a break from the sports scene for a while.
26. Trent Green-Miami Dolphins
2006-61.1% 7 TD/9 INT/1342 yds
2007-61.4% 4 TD/5 INT/824 yds
I think if it wasn't for injuries, Trent Green would have been known as one of the better QB's of the last 10 years. He got injured playing for the Rams and some guy from the Arena league named Kurt Warner took over, and he played well in KC until getting injured last year. He's not playing well this year, but he's also playing with the Dolphins. So, I don't think he's as bad as people thinks he is.
25. Marc Bulger-St. Louis Rams
2006-62.9% 24 TD/8 INT/4301 yds
2007-57.8% 2 TD/3 INT/651 yds
Based solely on stats, Bulger was one of the best QB's in the league last year. But when you think about it, with the Receiving core, running game, and offensive line that the Rams had last year, I think Casey Clausen could go in and have a decent year with the Rams. Plus, Marc Bulger just doesn't win games. Period. He may put up a lot of yards, but when you need someone to come through in the clutch, there are a lot of quarterbacks (24 to be exact) that I'd feel better about leading my team. Throw in the fact that he's been stinking the joint this year in every aspect of the game and it's easy to see that Bulger is just not a good QB.
24. Jake Delhomme-Carolina Panthers
2006-61% 17 TD/11 INT/2805 yds
2007-64% 8 TD/1/INT/626 yds
Delhomme was actually having a good year until he got injured last week. I actually think that if he stayed completely healthy this year the Panthers could have a shot at the playoffs. But when you throw in perennial disappointment David Carr into the mix, it could be a long season. Let's hope for Panther fans that Delhomme gets healthy quick.
23. Matt Leinart-Arizona Cardinals
2006-56.8% 11 TD/12 INT/2547 yds
2007-54.1% 2 TD/3 INT/454 yds
I actually thought that Matty had a pretty decent rookie year considering the situation (the fact that he was playing for the Cardinals). But after a slow start this year, Ken Wisenhunt inexplicably pulled him in the second half of last week's game in favor of Kurt Warner. This move makes no sense to me. Wisenhunt claims that Warner gives them an advantage in certain schemes. Why not just teach Leinart to do those schemes better. How can you kill the confidence of the kid who's supposed to be the future of your franchise? Leinart is still learning and he needs time to develop, but I still think that he has the capacity to be one of the better QB's in the league, as long as his coach doesn't make anymore idiotic moves (Speaking of which, why are people so big on Wisenhunt? His resume is that he was an offensive coordinator for the Steelers, but when has Pittsburgh been known for their offense? During their run they got by with a staunch defense and an offense that did enough to get out with a win. Supposedly Wisenhunt was the mastermind of that team? I give the credit to Russ Grimm and Bill Cowher. From what Wisenhunt has done so far, I am not impressed.
The Mediocrity Division
22. Alex Smith-San Francisco 49'ers
2006-58.1% 16 TD/16 INT/2890 yds
2007-51.8% 1 TD/1 INT/ 461 yds
Um.....I have no idea about this guy. So far, I'm not impressed. He seems like the perfect example of mediocrity. I'm so perplexed by this guy that I'm just getting frustrated, so let's just move on.
21. David Garrard-Jacksonville Jaguars
2006-60.2% 10 TD/9 INT/1735 yds
2007-64% 3 TD/ 0 INT/ 630 yds
A lot of people would probably put Garrard higher on the list. He's decent, but the fact remains that the Jags have an incredible defense, a powerful running game, and yet were only 8-8 last year and looking just as mediocre this year. What's the problem in this equation? Garrard is good, but he will never do anything notable at QB. If the Jags want to take their team to the next level, then they need to find a new QB. Or maybe I'm just saying these things because the Titans have destroyed him their last two games.
20. J.P. Losman-Buffalo Bills
2006-62.5% 19 TD/14 INT/3051 yds
2007-63.8% 0 TD/1 INT/255 yds
Losman was actually pretty good last season and almost led a bad Bills team to the playoffs. He can be inconsistent but he has a lot of upside potential. Unfortuantely, he's injured for the next 4 weeks and the Bills are toast without him. Poor Bills fans, they have their first decent QB since Doug Flutie and he gets injured. Is Jim Kelly available?
19. Chad Pennington-New York Jets
2006-64.5% 17 TD/16 INT/3352 yds
2007-72.1% 4 TD/0 INT/ 291 yds
I gotta say that Chad has always been a cool player, and it's always fun to watch someone who looks like their 13 years old in the face play in the NFL (and with the arm strength of a 13 year old). I just don't know how long he's got. From this point on, every bad game he has, the Jets fans will start calling for Clemens to come in. That's a pretty difficult situation for someone who can't throw the ball 20 yards down the field.
18. Matt Shaub-Houston Texans
2006-66.7%/1 TD/2 INT/208 yds
2007-75.9%/4 TD/3 INT/688 yds
Shaub has gone in and completely rejuvenated the Texans. Well can you be rejuvenated if you've never been good before? We'll say he's um, juvenated the Texans. He's also gone in and single-handedly destroyed any excuses people used to make for David Carr. This guy looks legit, but I need to see a little more before I bump him up on the list anymore. I'll stay tuned.
17. Jay Cutler-Denver Broncos
2006- 59.1% 9 TD/5 INT/ 1001 yds
2007-65.3% 3 TD/4 INT/795 yds
Cutler had a pretty good rookie year, but he hasn't looked all that great so far this year. The Broncos are 2-1 so far, but they could very easily be 0-3. I think Cutler has all the tools to be successful, I'm just not sure if he has that it factor that the great QB's need. We'll see how it goes.
16. Jason Campbell-Washington Redskins
2006-53.1% 10TD/6 INT/1297 yds
2007-52.4% 2 TD/3 INT/621 yds
I'm not sure if Jason Campbell is actually as good as I think he is or if he just looks better compared to all the Redskins QB's of the past 10 years. His passing game isn't great, but he has the ability to run, and it seemed like he was able to do what it takes to win a couple of weeks against Philly. Although, I wouldn't be upset if he didn't turn out to be any good, because I hate the Redskins.
15. Jeff Garcia-Tampa Bay Buccaneers
2006-61.7% 10 TD/2 INT/1309 yds
2007-66.2% 2 TD/0 INT/595 yds
Garcia came for an injured Donavan McNabb in last year and played incredibly as he led the Eagles to another division title and into the playoffs. He's playing pretty well with the Bucs this year, and they now stand at 2-1. Can he keep it up? I think so.
14. Eli Manning-New York Giants
2006-57.7% 24 TD/18 INT/ 3244 yds
2007-61.3% 6 TD/4 INT/755 yds
Eli always gets a bad rap because he's constantly being compared to Peyton. People just have to get used to the fact that Eli is different from Peyton. Eli is more introverted, more of a recluse, and not the "natural leader" that Peyton is. But he's still a good QB. Not great, but good. I did think he was pretty hard core for coming back in week 2 when everyone was saying before that he'd be out at least 4 weeks. Not bad.
13. Jon Kitna-Detroit Lions
2006-62.4% 21 TD/22 INT/4208 yds
2007-68.4 % 6 TD/4 INT/980 yds
I've always thought Kitna was one of the more underrated players in the league. He had a good year last year and has been playing well this year. It helps to be under the Mike Martz system, but Kitna also has a certain hutzpah about him. When he came back in the second half a couple of weeks ago after having a concussion, some called it stupid. It may have been, but it was also gutsy. You know you have a pretty good QB when one of your players says, "Other teams can have their Brady's and Manning's, but we'll take Jon Kitna any day." That may be a bit much, but it still shows you something when your QB has that much respect from his teammates.
The Franchise QB's Division
12. Philip Rivers-San Diego Chargers
2006-61.7% 22 TD/ 9 INT/ 3388 yds
2007-70.1% 5 TD/4 INT/ 675 yds
Rivers had a very good year last year, which people forget was his first as a starter. He's played okay this year, but the Chargers are only 1-2. Although that's probably more the fault of Norv Turner that Rivers. Plus, not many people mention the fact that the Chargers have no wide receivers. They have LT and Antonio Gates to throw to, but the pickings get slim after that. Rivers is just good enough to make people forget about that fact.
11. Steve McNair-Baltimore Ravens
2006-63% 16 TD/12 INT/3050 yds
2007-65.6% 1 TD/1 INT/ 401 yds
Even though he didn't put up gaudy stats, McNair was one of the main reasons thed Ravens won their division last year. Next to Manning and Brady, there's no one else in the league I would rather have driving my team down the field in the 4th quarter with 2 minutes to go. I still miss him playing for the Titans and it's tough to watch him do well with the Ravens. However, I've got a bad feeling that McNair's oft-injured body is going to catch up with him this year (it already did in one game). I just don't see him making it through the season. I still love him, though and I hope that when he enters the Hall of Fame, he'll enter as a Titan.
10. Ben Rothlisberger-Pittsburgh Steelers
2006-59.7% 18 TD/23 INT/3513 yds
2007-59.7% 6 TD/1 INT/563 yds
Everyone in Pittsburgh, including Big Ben is looking into getting the Eternal Sunshine guys to remove the 2006 season from their minds. But, it looks like Benny is into his old form and is playing well. He doesn't have to win the game on his own, but when he's on form, he does enough to win the game. Just know that if you ever get a chance to talk to him in 20 years about his career he'll say something like this:
"Yeah it was great winning the Super Bowl and then.......(long pause) and then we came strong in 2007. Although I was always confused as to where Coach Cowher went."
9. Vince Young-Tennessee Titans
2006-51.5% 12 TD/13 INT/2199 yds
2007-62.7% 3 TD/2 INT/426
His passing stats may not look great, and a lot of people would not put him this high on their lists. I admit that I'm biased when it comes to VY (I love him!!!!!), but you also have to look at the facts. With his ability to run the ball, he is one of the most impossible players to defend. His passing game has improved a lot this year and there is a definite notable difference with the zip in which he throws the ball. He is always able to make the big play when it needs to be made. The Titans would be 3-0 if Brandon Jones hadn't dropped a pass on 3rd and 4 with 40 seconds to go against the Colts. Plus, whenever Vince goes back in the shotgun on 3rd down, I always think, 'There is no way that we're not getting this first down!' That's not something you can say about most QB's. In fact, I was shocked when Vince actually didn't complete the 4th quarter comeback against the Colts. You know you're in good shape when you're shocked your QB doesn't make a tough comeback against the defending Super Bowl champs.
8. Matt Hasselbeck-Seattle Sehawks
2006-56.6% 18 TD/15 INT/2442 yds
2007-64.9% 5 TD/2 INT/ 751 yds
Hasselbeck is one of the most underrated players in the league, and no one really pays attention to him as he is consistently one of the best QB's in the league. Part of this is due to the fact that he's way up in the far corner of the country and the fact that his city is populated by coffee drinking computer nerds and emo kids. Still, he always puts up great numbers and has a knack for getting his team the win. Plus, I'm still impressed from when he won the toss against the Packers in an overtime playoff game a few years ago and said, "We'll take the ball and we're gonna win it." They ended up losing, but it was still one of the coolest moves ever.
7. Brett Favre-Green Bay Packers
2006-56% 18TD/18 INT/3885 yds
2007-64% 6 TD/2 INT/861 yds
Favre has had a rough time the past couple of years, but he's really been back to the 90's version of Favre again. I feel like I'm caught in such a time warp that I keep expecting the Wallflowers to be popular again. What's even more impressive is that he's gotten the Packers to 3-0 when they have a TERRIBLE running game. I really hope he keeps it up and I'll be rooting for him all year. He's one of the greatest ever and it's fun to watch him on his game again.
6. Drew Brees-New Orleans Saints
2006-64.3% 26 TD/11 INT/4418 yds
2007-63.8% 1 TD/7 INT/677 yds
It's kind of a stretch to put Brees up this high considering how bad he has been this year (7 interceptions!). Let me defend myself. The Saints' defense has been so atrocious this year that Brees has been forced to take chances that he wouldn't normally take. I'm choosing to believe that the first 3 games this season have been an aberration. You have to take into account how incredible his season was last year. Although, if he plays as bad as he did against the Titans on Monday again, then I'll have to start moving him down my list.
5. Donovan McNabb-Philadelphia Eagles
2006-57% 18 TD/6 INT/2647 yds
2007-61% 5 TD/1 INT/ 805 yds
McNabb got off to a very slow start this season, but if last week is any indication, it looks like he's back on form. McNabb is one of the top quarterbacks of this decade and before he got injured last season he was single-handedly carrying the Eagles on his back. The numbers above for 2006 were acquired in only 10 games! If McNabb can stay healthy, watch out. Of course, based on the past few years, it's unlikely that he'll finish the season injury free.
4. Tony Romo-Dallas Cowboys
2006-65.3% 19 TD/13 INT/2903 yds
2007-58% 8 TD/2 INT/860 yds
Romo got off to a fantastic start last year, but finished it off with a mediocre final 4 games, culminated in the botched snap against Seattle in the playoffs. So this year, the big question was whether he could bounce back mentally. Clearly, he has definitely come back and is even better than he was during his golden-boy streak last year. I don't know if anyone has his ability to avoid pressure in the pocket. There were about 5 times in the Bears game that just made me go "Wow!" when he was able to dodge the blitz and make a play downfield. Plus it was amazing to see him convert approximately 743 third and long conversions. The Cowboys wouldn't have even sniffed the playoffs last year without him, and he's been playing this well so far without his #2 receiver, Terry Glenn. He's definitely fun to watch and he has a special confidence and charisma that is essential to be one of the top quarterbacks in the league. I know people will probably say that it's a homer pick for me to put him at #4, and they're probably right. But, at this point, there are few that I'd rather have going into a big game against a tough defense. And if he can bounce back from one of the most soul crushing moments in recent years then he can bounce back from anything. I really do think that when all is said and done, we're going to look at Romo as one of the best of this generation. Thank goodness that Bledsoe stunk it up last year or we'd never know about all this.
3. Carson Plamer-Cincinnati Bengals
2006-62.3% 28 TD/13 INT/4035 yds
2007-64% 9TD/4 INT/937 yds
Carson is definitely among the elite quarterbacks in the league right now. He puts up incredible stats and he is able to lead his team to victory. He also showed his ability to overcome adversity when he came back from injury to have a great year last year. He probably would have had more success on some other teams if he hadn't been signed to the Cincinnati Bail Bond Bengals. He has great arm-strength and great decision making abilities. We'll see if he's able to translate those abilities into championships in the next few years.
The Best of out Generation
1b. Tom Brady-New England Patriots
2006-61.8% 24 TD/12 INT/ 3529 yds
2007-79.5% 10TD/1 INT/887 yds
The fact is that Brady has never had very good receivers and yet he has always been able to put up great numbers and win games. This was especially seen last year when he had awful AWFUL receivers (you know it's bad when your best receiver is Reche Caldwell) and yet was still able to get to the AFC Championship. In fact, if Troy Brown hadn't run a wrong route on the last drive against the Colts, the Pats would have won and Brady would have destroyed the Bears to win his 4th Super Bowl, and Manning would still be known as the guy who couldn't win the big one. Now that the Pats picked up Donte Stallworth, Wes Welker, and a rejuvenated Randy Moss, we're finally seeing what Brady can do with quality receivers. Brady has been playing in-humanly this year and it looks like he's not even trying. With a destructive Brady at the helm, the Pats look like the 96 Bulls in their dominance. Brady is one of the best ever, and next to Joe Montana is possible the 2nd best clutch QB's ever. If you put a gun to my head then I say that Peyton is better, but if I have my choice then I say they're tied. If Brady can win his 4th Super Bowl in 7 years this season, then I'll have to give him back the sole #1 spot.
1a. Peyton Manning-Indianapolis Colts
2006-65% 31 TD/9 INT/4397 yds
2007-65.3% 5 TD/1 INT/873 yds
Peyton has put up the best numbers in the NFL for the past 6 seasons, but his critics had always said that he couldn't win the big game. It was a fair argument and was holding up until something happened in the Colts locker room at halftime in the AFC Championship. Peyton came out and mounted an amazing comeback, won the game, and went on to dismantle the Bears in the Super Bowl. Now I definitely have to put him up there with Brady. And since he's going to break all of Marino's and Favre's records in a 8 years, it's possible to say that Peyton could be known as THE greatest NFL quarterback ever. Right now, he's in a tight race with Brady for the best in the game right now. But if he can win the Super Bowl again with a Colts team that lost several key players over the off-season, then the Brady-Manning debate will be pretty much over. I'm excited to see how it all plays out.
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