Sunday, October 14, 2007

There's Something Happening Here.....

It's tough to really explain how fantastic the past few weeks have been. Each day has really been better than the next. The best way to describe it is a quick sports analogy......but don't lose interest. I'll go through it quick so that I can really explain what I'm really trying to say.

I've been re-reading Bill Simmons' Red Sox book and I love his description of Pedro Martinez's run of utter domination from April 1999-May 2001. He talks about how every one of Pedro's starts was an event, and how people would drop everything to watch his games because they didn't want to miss something special. Each start seemed to be better than the one before it and just when you thought Pedro couldn't be anymore dominant, he would take it to an even greater level. He talked about how Pedro could bring the fans at Fenway to a higher place and how they would stand in awe of this master artist, who pitched better than any pitcher has ever pitched during a two year span. You knew you were in the presence of greatness watching Pedro and you just wanted to take everything in and appreciate it to the fullest extent, because what was happening was something that might not ever happen again.

That's really been the best way to describe the past two weeks. Just when I think things can't get any better, they somehow do. God has blessed me with so much. I've had great friendships, great conversations, great times, great laughs, great growth experiences, great fun, and just pure, wonderful joy. I just want to soak in every second.

I sometimes hate it when kids my age or younger try to offer life lessons or advice to older people that make it sound like what we know what's really going on in the world (my all-time least favorite was Avril Lavigne's song "Complicated" that started off with the repeating line of "Life's like this....." Oh please Avril, grace us by imparting your divine wisdom O great sage..................stupid emo chick). However, please indulge me as I make this observation in all humility:

At least in my life, great moments sometimes seem to happen in these short beautiful moments, and before you realize it, they've passed you by. Those moments when everything is right with the world, when God seems to have come down into this place and touched you with a little glimpse of heaven. Those days when you just can't contain your joy and you just smile all day. Those days when even things that would usually drive you crazy (say for the top of my head......the Red Sox, Titans, and Cowboys losing all within 24 hours of each other) don't make the slightest impact into your mood. These moments are special, and I think it's important to soak them in, enjoy them for all their worth, and praise God for every second. Smile, laugh, and open your eyes to the beauty that's all around you.

Of course, I know that it is important to look at God's blessings and be thankful even when times are tough. That is definitely true. But I also think it's important that when times are really really good, that you take some time to really let it soak in. I think David says it best in these words of praise in Psalm 37:4-9

I sought the LORD, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.

Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.

This poor man called, and the LORD heard him;
he saved him out of all his troubles.

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.

Taste and see that the LORD is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.

Fear the LORD, you his saints,
for those who fear him lack nothing.

Times like these are really wonderful and I thank God for each and every moment. Plus, they make me dream of a time when moments like this will go on for all eternity, and that gives me even more joy. May we all look at our blessings and truly "Taste and see that the Lord is good."

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