Saturday, October 6, 2007


Lately, my friends and I have been talking about what it would look like to be a people not tied to earthly possessions. We've been talking about how we could be minimalists in the future and even now at college. My friend Coleman talks about being good stewards here. He's been making real changes, such as not buying Coke and other various things. I've been thinking about this a lot for my future and for right now.

Am I a minimalist? Not yet. I want to be, and I feel that there are ways that I try to live minimally. However, many of my minimalist ways are just forced on me because I'm a poor college student. If I had more funds, I would probably buy a lot more crap. So I started thinking, "If Jesus told me to sell all my possessions, what would I have trouble parting with?" I'll call these my big 6:

1. My Computer

2.My cell phone

3. My hats (My Red Sox hat is in my car, but I love it too)

4. My TV (not the XBOX 360, that's my roommate's)

5. My books/movies

6. The camera I took these pics with

There's probably some more that I can't think of. I should probably put my car down, but anyone who knows the history of me and my Nissan Altima, they probably wouldn't be surprised if I just sold it in a fit of rage.

Are these things bad in and of themselves? No. In fact, I use things such as my computer, cell phone, and car to coordinate ministry activities. I read Christian books. I wear my hats to identify with people (okay, that one's a stretch). Am I going to sell all these and give the money to the poor? Probably not (however, if Jesus actually told me to, then I hope that I would). Being a college student, there's not a lot that ties me down, and I'm really happy about that. My point is not that I'm hoping to get rid of ALL my worldly possessions. I guess really I just want to try not to add any more to that list (or at least maybe not much more). I know that as I get older and start to have more money, responsibilities, and possibly a family, the temptation and possibly the necessity to have more things are going to grow. So is very important that I start building a discipline for good stewardship now before those come. I still have a long way to go, and God may call more of me soon (he may even call me to give up some of the big 6 someday). But I know that God calls us to more than just having a good heart or attitude of detachment from our treasures in this world, he actually calls us to actually live that out. I hope that in the future and in the present I can do a better job of honoring God by what I "give" and "give up". It's time to really start pondering what it means to be one who places their treasures in heaven instead of in this world. May God give me wisdom and courage to find out!

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