Friday, January 4, 2008

I'm Back

It's been a long time since I actually posted a blog on here. My bad. I have this thing where if I don't blog for a while then I feel like my first post back should be really awesome and then I don't ever feel like putting in the effort to making an awesome post and then it just goes longer before I blog and it just becomes this vicious exponential cycle.

So, I figured I just need to start getting back into the swing of writing again. So I'll just give some quick little tidbits from my life real quick and then hopefully I can start writing substantial things here soon.

  • It's been a fantastic Christmas break. My sleep schedule is completely messed up. I don't get in from hanging with the guys usually until somewhere in between 3-6 a.m. We hang out, act stupid, have great talks, flirt with waitresses at Waffle House, play games, and laugh and laugh and laugh. I sleep late, watch some Lost or How I Met Your Mother (I got both for Christmas), eat dinner and hang out with Mom, and then start hanging with the guys again. This is another reason that I haven't been blogging, because I've been too busy. It's been incredible. I've had so much fun and laughed more than ever before.
  • Christmas was nice. Mom and I had a nice quiet little Christmas. We watched some movies and of course It's a Wonderful Life (a Pyeatt family tradition), made some brownies, called Laura and Lucy on Christmas day, and had a nice time. We were both kind of sad that the girls were around the world for Christmas (We dealt with it in different ways. I sort of forgot Christmas was coming until it was suddenly right on me and Mom called me from work the week before and said, "What if we just went to the beach for Christmas?"), but we made it through and had a good solid Chistmas '07.
  • The Titans and the Cowboys made the playoffs! I'll have to have a bigger post on this here soon, but I'm super stoked for the upcoming playoffs. It's been a really fun regular season and it's been a lot of fun to see my guys win some big games to clinch the playoffs.
  • I've got mixed feelings about going back to school. I'm excited about a lot of things, but I've enjoyed being home so much that I don't really want to leave. I'll just have to enjoy this last week at home as much as possible and then all the good things that Searcy has to offer as well. It should be a great semester (if I can ever register for classes!) and there should be a lot of cool things about it.
  • My boy Barack Obama won the Iowa Causus tonight! We'll see how this will affect the overall campaign, but it should be interesting. Hopefully this will get our Bisons for Obama group actually moving when we come back to school. And I get to vote in my first primary! Should I register in Tennessee or Arkansas? Hmmm....
  • I've watched a lot of great movies lately. Charlie Wilson's War, Walk Hard, National Treasure 2, Sweeny Todd, I Am Legend, American History X, all of which were fantastic. But my favorite was a little independent movie called Once that Mom rented. It's a great movie about a musician who gets some help from a girl to record some songs and get his music career started. It's brilliant.
Well, that's all I've got so far. I'll try to post here soon. God bless!

1 comment:

LauraP said...

You should register in Arkansas so that you can actually physically vote in November. It's super fun to go to your assigned elementary school, buy some bake sale goods while waiting in line, vote, and then get your "I voted" sticker. That being said, moving your registration back to TN (as I just found out) is a little more difficult afterwards. : )