Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Spring Semester So Far

I figured I'd give a quick rundown of my schedule and what all is going on this semester so far.

10:00-MWF-Living World Religions- Dr. Cox

This is one of the hardest classes to get into at Harding. It has the famous former missionary Monte Cox, fun and interesting class, and there's a field trip to Dallas towards the end of the semester to visit worship ceremonies of different religions. I was able to slide into the class at the last second. It's been really good so far. We've had a general overview and now we're discussing Judaism (which I find fascinating). We have a lot of good discussion and there's a lot of fun people in the class, so I'm really excited.

11:00-MWF-Intro to Preaching-Dr. Thompson

I finally get to do some preachin'! I've really liked this class so far. Dr. Thompson is really cool and he's lots of fun. He does a good job of letting every person use their own voice and use the tools God gave them, and doesn't impose his voice and preferences on everyone. We've been giving introductory devos every day, and it's really cool watching the different styles of everyone. I've got a good one warming up for my devo coming up on Feb 6. I do have to do a 16 page exegesis paper for it, so I may be changing my mood of this later.

1:00-MWF-Missionary Principles and Practices-Dr. Dials

This class is a little boring, but it's had some good discussion so far. It's been easy at least. So, we'll see. It should be helpful in case I ever decide to pursue mission work.

1:00-TT-Western Civilization till 1577-Dr. Julie Harris

This is a class I didn't know I had to take, so now I'm taking my last gen ed here late in my Junior year. The good news is that I LOVE history, and it's nice to have a history class back in my life again. Plus Julie Harris is awesome and the class is easy, so it should be lots of fun.

2:30-TT-Seminar in Missions-Dr. Cox

This is another Monte class, and this one is really really awesome. It has a lot of hard core mission majors and it's a 400 level class, so it's really in depth and finds a way to handle both abstract and practical concepts. Monte gives some good lecture but this is probably the most insightful class discussion I've ever been a part of. It makes the discussion in my Missionary principles and practices class seem like freshman type stuff. I think this class will really be useful to me for whatever type of ministry I get into and it is my favorite class this semester.

Now for the fun part......My job!

I'm the Greek II SI (Supplemental Instruction) Leader, which basically means I'm a group tutor for Greek. This is nice because I definitely need a job, it's a good way to keep up with my Greek, and it's sort of fun. I have to go to the Greek class every day, which is tough because it adds to my already busy schedule, but I get paid to go, so that's cool. Plus, Master Bury is a really good teacher and it's cool to watch the way he presents the information. Then I have 3 SI sessions every week and one training session a week. So I get paid 11-12 hours a week, which you pays the bills.

So yeah, I'm pretty busy this semester (especially compared to last semester). I'm usually going going going from 9-5 with few breaks in between every day. As far as extra-curricular projects go, on Sundays we go to church with our West Pleasure COC friends and do community projects in the afternoons. On Tuesdays Coleman and I do Jail Ministry. Wednesdays I work with our bible study/planning community, and then I'm doing various projects in between. I've been busy on the weekends so far with work, two steppin', Foo Fighters concert, and the official Arkansas headquarters Obama South Carolina watch party in Little Rock so far (awesome weekends!)

So, I'm busy, but good busy. I'm having tons and tons of fun, lots of new friends, stronger relationships with old friends, lots of laughter, and I'm getting to do a little bit of ministry. This could be my best semester ever here at Harding if things keep up. God has blessed me a lot and things couldn't be better.'s some pictures from the semester so far:

Our group after two-steppin' by the mountain. I can also do the 10 step and the Texas Waltz now. Thanks Lilly!

Foo Fighter concert. Rock on! Stein Auf!

Beale Street in Memphis after the concert.

Eating at Super China Buffet for my birthday! A Harding birthday tradition dating back to freshman year. I love their Sesame Chicken!

"The Family" hanging out.

Coleman and I at the Obama party. Thus the "O." It was a lot of fun and I felt like I was in an episode of the West Wing when we watched his victory speech and the supporters at the party with us we're cheering and chanting along with the people on tv.

The fellas

Me and Jimmy's 4 year old son Conner having fun after Bible Study tonight.

So yeah, as you can see, very fun times. I just hope it keeps on rockin!


Lucy P said...

What is that all over your face? A beard?!?!

Just kidding--i love seeing the pics. Junior year was my favorite too! I'm so glad that you're having such a great time!

I'm writing this from Cambodia. Study up in those Missions classes--I might make you join me over here!

christopher said...

Two-stepping is a load of fun. I still can't do the Texas ten step, and I am an amateur waltzer.