Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

I did a little research on the origins of Valentine's Day so I could look smart today. The research seems a little murky and I got conflicting reports. Apparently there is evidence of three St. Valentine's . Most believe that the one Valentine's day is referring to was St. Valentine of Rome who was martyred on February 14 in the third century A.D. There is a legend that the Emperor Claudius had outlawed marriage for a time, because he thought single soldiers were better soldiers, but St. Valentine continued to perform marriages in secret, and was thus executed. This is what makes him the patron saint of love.

There is also evidence that February 15 was a pagan holiday in which teenage boys ran through the streets and threw meat from a goat they had sacrificed at women (the women accepted this because they thought it made them more likely to have a baby). Some argue the Catholic church had to nix this and thus made February 14 Valentine's Day.

Then some argue that February 14 is the traditional day that birds start mating in England, but some refute this because they say birds don't mate in England this early in the year.

So, we don't really know where Valentine's Day exactly came from. All we know is that Hallmark and chocolate companies were able to cash in on this baby big time. I always enjoy Valentine's day here at Harding. I get cards and candy in my mailbox from friends, have a good time hanging out, and I get to watch what I like to call the "angry singles." There's two types. The first are always fun because they like to change the name of the holiday to "Singles awareness day," they get really cynical, and they make fun of people in relationships and just act all bitter because they're single. The second type gets all belligerent are say things like, "I don't need no man!" (notice I say "man" because guys are rarely this second type) and talk about how they're too hot for guys. It's lots of fun and there should definitely be anthropological studies done on this stuff.

I myself had a fantastic Valentine's Day. I rocked out a Seminar in Missions test, had fun at work, went with our group to the nursing home in our neighborhood and passed out Valentine cards to old people, got some Chinese with Coleman, watched some Lost, called some people back home, and hung out with some friends for the rest of the night. All in all, a great day. I like to consider myself one of the "chill singles," people who just have a good time and try not to worry about stuff. I'm having a great semester and I'm loving all my friends and loving every minute. Plus tomorrow is February 15th so I get to sacrifice a goat and throw it at girls!.....just kidding, I'm not a teenager anymore so I can't do that. I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day and there was much love and awesomeness all around. God bless!

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